Yearly Archives: 2011
Tracy: Will KCMO Voters Shoot Themselves in the Foot on E-Tax Vote?
Checkmate: KCMO voters, Pat Gray’s pawns, are poised to trap themselves with the E-tax.
In chess, one seemingly simple, kneejerk move can lead to losing the game.
But when the tax formula is wrong, you have to FIX it! Or lose the game. It’s that simple.
KCMO voters will trudge to the polls one more time, Tuesday, April 5. And a NO vote would repeal once and for all the E-tax–the crack cocaine of the KCMO budget.
The big question: Will voters stop hating on Johnson County long enough to save the resale value on their homes? Will they wake up: their tax formula is horribly out of whack. Now they have only ONE CHANCE to force the City Council to fix it.
Today: Let’s Get Ready to Rumble! New Pitch Owner Appears Poised to Kick Butt
Remember that stuff I wrote about the Pitch and its many problems and woes?
Well, you can forget about that now, it’s time to move on. That’s exactly what’s about to happen, if my examination new Pitch owner SouthComm‘s alternative news weekly Nashville Scene is an indication of what’s in store for Kansas City. And more to the point, for the now-nervous wretches at Ink.
Oh yeah. Sources say the Kansas City Star owned Ink is shaking in its shoes, having taken the measure of SouthComm’s handiwork in Nashville. SouthComm may only be a four year-old firm, but its doings down south run circles around what Village Voice‘s Pitch has failed to accomplish here. Same goes for Ink, only different.
OTC: KSU Fans Also Revel In KU Failures / New Paint At Mizzou?
Gene Keady, former coach at Purdue, when asked by Shan Shariff about Kansas loss to VCU, 610 AM
GH: We dug deep into the psyche of Mizzou fans in yesterday’s OTC and their love for celebrating “Tiger Christmas” each spring when the Kansas basketball team loses to an inferior opponent in the NCAA tourney. Let us not forget the K-State fans who also revel in their rivals’ misfortunes. Even KSU old-timers like Keady still get wood from a Jayhawk catastrophe.
“Why can’t he find more players of high character? Why can’t Bill Self find those players?”
Kevin Kietzman, 810 AM
GH: No K-State grad in the local media takes more glee in a Kansas basketball defeat than KK. He fervently attempts to hide his hatred for the Crimson & Blue but losses like VCU are too delicious for him to stay silent. Kietzman played a mock promo for KU’s Final Four broadcasts that poked vicious fun at the Kansas team, fans and aura that surrounds Kansas basketball. While he tried to push the blame for the promo onto a faceless voiceover talent, this was pure KK. One thing you can say for Bob Fescoe that you’ll never say about Kietzman, Fescoe is too dumb to be fake.
Take 5: 610 Sports’ Shan To Take His Shariff Badge To Dallas

Glazer: Time for Kansas City Sports Fans to Sober Up, Get a Life
What did we learn from yesterday’s KU Elite Eight debacle?
Follow sports for fun or money, not to win titles. Kansas City just isn’t – and never will be – title town. Face it, we live in the Midwest, players think it’s boring here. Our media is weak kneed. And the city is way too conservative – do-gooders to the max.
So we don’t win much and nobody outside of here really much gives a damn.
OTC: VCU Takes KU’s Trash Talk & Turns It Into Nylon

Jason King, columnist,
GH: The Spiders and VCU both call Richmond home. Let’s assume the Spiders were the ones who informed VCU’s Jamie Skeen that the Morris twins were “buttholes on the court.” Read on.
Jamie Skeen, who led VCU with 26 points and 10 boards against KU, in his postgame presser,
GH: Skeen was the best player on the floor Sunday. He drilled three after three to help build VCU’s first-half lead to 18. Was his effort fueled by the twins’ verbal swagger? Hell yeah. Kansas likes to talk and it usually works like it did against Richmond. VCU acted like the trash talking was nectar for their jump shots.
Glazer: Humble Scribe Eats Humble Pie, Calls Out Bill Self as KU Crashes to Earth
So I was wrong, dead wrong…
KU Basketball is becoming the Chiefs of the 90’s. Good teams but early exits from the post season. However what saves Bill Self is the 2008 national title. The problem is KU is getting bounced every year by NOBODIES. Teams lucky to even be in the tournament.
Who the fuck was Bucknell? Who the fuck was Northern Iowa?
This year KU was the No. 1 seed. It had a simple, couldn’t-be-easier path to the Final Four. All they had to do was beat VCU. Who the fuck are they?
So Bill has to wear the "got beat who-the-fuck" tag now.
Car: The Curious Case of the Missing Fiat 500s
To paraphrase Paul Revere, The Fiats are coming, the Fiats are coming!
But while that’s undoubtedly the case, for many, if not most of the 500 souls who plunked down $500 deposits for a limited edition Prima Edizione model of the tiny Fiat 500, the question is, when?
In December, Fiat North America head Laura Soave told Prima buyers, "Delivery should occur in mid to late February…In the meantime, dealers are busy putting the finishing touches on our Studios."
Less true words seldom have been spoken…
Today: Death of a Legend, The KUDL Story
The Star lazily folded the news of legendary KUDL FM’s demise into a bit about 980 KMBZ simulcasting on KUDL’s signal…
For two reasons; the first being that Star reporter Aaron Barnhart could care less about radio – he’s a TV guy. Second, because the aging newshounds at the paper are mostly white males 50 and up and the simulcast story was a bigger deal to them than a women’s music station biting the dust.
They were wrong.
The death of a half century old station is far larger than a lateral move with a 14th rated station.
So KUDL goes away at 8 a.m. today, and word is KUDL’s Tanna Guthrie is planning a very special sendoff.
Hearne: The Rise & Fall of the KC Pitch, Part Deux
The current state of Kansas City "alt weekly" the Pitch?
It’s painfully obvious to pretty much anyone who’s been watching that print publications are fighting a losing battle. A battle for their lives. Which isn’t to say that the Kansas City Star, for example, is going to just blow away. At some point in time the stronger pubs will downsize themselves into a long-term model that affords profitability.
Oh, it won’t be pretty. Just as it hasn’t at 18th and Grand these past three years. It will get there though, and if the economy rights itself, they may even begin adding bodies. However in the long run, it’s just too costly to print and distribute hundreds of thousands of newspapers each day, and fewer and fewer people – younger people – have an appetite to hold a physical paper in their hands.
The problem, as most of you probably know, is nobody’s come close to figuring out how to make anywhere near the profits online that they’ve been making in print.
So those in the print pub biz, it’s beyond scary.
Today: What Not to Where While KU Takes Elite Eight Tube Ride
The premise, both simple and lame…
Typical newspaper pablum for the masses. Masterminded by the Lawrence Journal World, which took it upon itself to hatch an activity guide for folks who could care less about choking down KU‘s 10 day march to its stunning loss to VCU in the NCAA tournament.
Think of it as, clues for the clueless...
Donnelly: Sporting KC Loses In Chicago 3-2, Bravo Issued Questionable Red Card
Scrambling to piece together a lineup prior to Saturday’s contest at the Chicago Fire, Sporting KC boss Peter Vermes was forced to construct a starting XI unlike any other he’s used over the past few seasons. Between injuries and national team call-ups, SKC was without Julio Cesar (starting center back), Michael Harrington (starting right back), Shavar Thomas (defender), Luke Sassano (defender), Kei Kamara (starting forward), and Ryan Smith (forward).
Vermes did the best he could by sliding left back Roger Espinoza into the center of defense alongsde Matt Besler, and sticking underachieving Chance Myers at left back, with newbie Scott Lorenz at the right back spot. Also, Vermes used a 4-4-2 formation instead of the normal 4-3-3.
Recipe for disaster? Yeah, kind of…
Glazer: Down & Out in Beverly Hills; The Jason Whitlock Story
Well, the jury’s in…
Former Kansas City Star sports columnists Jason Whitlock is kinda, sorta employed. But just by a sports website, Fox Sports. This is not the big time spot the once powerful Kansas City Sports Broker once held.
Jason was THE MAN, on the Kansas City sports scene.
No doubt about that. But nearly a year after he left, silence.
You don’t see Whitlock. You don’t hear Whitlock. You don’t really read Whitlock… well, anywhere.
Today: Wanted, Dead or Alive; Proof as to The Whereabouts of Jerry Mazer
In the spirit of O.J.’s search for the real killer, I bring you my search for an actual dead body…
We’re talking about notorious Plaza panhandler Jerry Mazer, of course. He of the, "Can I get a down payment on a cheeseburger?" fame. The dude who in 1994 knocked the Plaza and City of Kansas City on their butts and got an ordinance banning bumming on the Plaza overturned. Not only that, the city had to cough up some cash for Mazer’s trouble to settle the case.
Mazer’s travels to San Fran and beyond and his subsequent run-ins with the Gestapo-like Plaza Patrol went on for years as he continued his pursuit of the American Dream along Kansas City’s Appian Way outside Barnes & Noble.
Until, several sources say, sometime late last summer or early fall.
That’s when Mazer, 56, allegedly tipped his toes toward the sky and said goodbye
OTC: Kansas Looks To Battle Richmond / Mizzou Coaching Search Buzz

Jason King, of, 610 AM
GH: Our last local team in The Dance and the only Big 12 team remaining takes on Richmond tonight at 6:27 PM (CT). Will they come hungry or play down to Richmond’s sleeper reputation? The experts are pretty certain the Jayhawks will not repeat the Northern Iowa loss in last year’s Sweet 16.
Doug Gottlieb, ESPN Radio
GH: Kansas will tower over the Spiders’, who are a poor rebounding team. I don’t see the Morris twins playing the game with their backs to the basket, though. That’s Thomas Robinson’s game. Look for the muscular T-Rob to have a big night in the paint.
Hearne: Will News/Talk Station 980 KMBZ’s Talent Measure Up On The FM Dial?
The $64 million question: Will younger, trendier listeners flock to news/talk radio 980 KMBZ after it goes FM?
That’s a tough one.
At this point, nobody really knows. After all, the main thrust of frequency modulation (FM) is the high quality the signal imparts to music. I mean, how mellifluous can Rush Limbaugh get? And it’s not like Mike Shanin’s going to forget he’s not in the shower and break into song in the middle of dissing Obama or fantasizing about Sarah Palin. I mean, he is getting up there some, but…
Which brings us to the age issue…
For KMBZ to take its game to the next level, it needs to attract younger listeners when it begins to simulcast on KUDL 98.1’s FM signal. You know, people who don’t subscribe to the Kansas City Star.
Glazer: Nick Wright Taking KC Sports Talk Radio By Storm!
Afternoon drive 610 Sports host Nick Wright has taken KC sports radio by storm.
A year ago everybody went round and round about Nick Wright’s survival and could he compete or beat Kevin Kietzman and Soren Petro on 810 WHB. I voiced my opinion as YES, he would survive and eventually win out. Now it seems he’s just about there!
Nick has that cool, hip-hop style – the good part. He’s young and full of energy. And I like that he’s surrounded himself with his own on-air mafia. In year one, with less "name" guests, no less. He used to have me on quite a bit, but now I have to stand in line. Unlike WHB, Nick did my book interview a couple times, and 610 had me on with my new Ali film last year, WHB didn’t but was kind enough to ask me to get them Frank Caliendo on the station.
Mean me, I set it up.
Glazer: Will Sly Be KC’s Guy? The Jury Is Out
I picked the winner of the mayor’s race, the Superbowl, and both NFL playoff championship games – not bad.
Now the question becomes, what kind of leader will Sly James turn out to be?
Mayor-turned-congressman Emanuel Cleaver, was probably the popular Kansas City politician in the past 30 years. He had the support of both the white and black communities. In this election Sly James was helped by the fact midtown voters were behind him, while the heavier white vote of North KC and the Ward Parkway corridor went to loser Mike Burke.
Sly was not an apple to the eye to most black voters.
OTC: Mike Anderson Shows More Snake Than Hog In Leaving Mizzou

Gabe DeArmond, of, on the head basketball coach’s departure from Mizzou to accept the Arkansas job, 810 AM
GH: DeArmond was a guest on Steven St. John’s and Nate Bukaty’s Thursday morning show and his commentary on what went down in Columbia Wednesday night regarding Anderson’s arrival at the airport and mysterious departure from Mizzou Arena was riveting radio. Apparently, Anderson chose the cowardly way out and bypassed speaking to the media after talking with his the Mizzou players.
“Media admitted (to Mizzou Arena after Anderson/players meeting). Cynics wonder if draw to divert so Anderson could get out. Wonder why he can’t/won’t face situation?”
Vahe Gregorian, of St. Louis Post Dispatch
GH: Anderson leaving Mizzou for Arkansas where he spent 17 years is understandable. His son called it “going home.” But why act like a snake the evening you make your departure official? He hid behind trucks at the airport, tried to lose reporters on his drive the arena and then snuck out of the building before facing the press. These are the same guys who throw a fit when a 17-year-old recruit changes his mind about signing a letter of intent. I lost a lot of respect for Coach Mike last night. Be a man and face the music. He chose to be a wimp and slither off into the night.
Today: Why News Radio KMBZ’s Move to FM May Not Work, Part One
Simulcasting news radio 980 KMBZ AM on the FM dial makes perfect sense – or does it…
While the station remains a cash cow for Entercom, its flagging ratings were bound to catch up with its pocketbook. So by bringing in more listeners grazing on the FM band – not the AM – KMBZ hopes to keep the cash coming in and perhaps charge a bit of a premium for a more upscale (and hopefully larger) FM enhanced audience.
Just how poorly has KMBZ fared of late?
In the just released February radio ratings it placed 14th in the market in adults 25 to 54 with a 3.5 share of listeners. And in its prime demo of adults 35 to 64 it came in 14th also.