Yearly Archives: 2011
Today: Hal Brody Dispels Tired KC Myth About Oakland Raiders Fans & City
Fact; Chiefs fans love to hate those dastardly Oakland Raiders….
How venomous is it? There’s even a Wikipedia page on the subject. No kidding.
"The Kansas City Chiefs and Oakland Raiders of the National Football League are considered to have one of professional football’s most bitter rivalries," it begins.
The teams first met in 1960, but "the rivalry did not become so apparent until the Kansas City Athletics baseball team moved to Oakland, California in 1967," Wikipedia adds. "The move was met with considerable distaste in the Kansas City area and much of the frustration was put upon the Raiders when they played in Kansas City."
Car: First KC Fiat in 28 Years Sparks Harrowing Flashback
The eagles have landed…
For the first time in 28 years – most of the ’80s, the ’90s and well past the first decade of Y2K – a new Fiat was been sold and delivered in Kansas City. It went down around 10:30 a.m. today when chef Jasper Mirabile helped peel the wrapper off a 2012 Fiat 500 Prima Edizione in front of Jasper’s Ristorante, clambered aboard and sped down 103rd Street in Watts Mill.
Fortunately, Mirabile’s virgin victory lap was less eventful than his previous heart-pounding Fiat fling…
Starbeams: Google Not So Lucky for KCK, Chief Arrested & Warrensburg Hooters
Google’s plan to wire Kansas City, Kansas with fast Internet connections doesn’t mean any new jobs will be coming to town. “We are not hiring a whole lot of people,” said Google’s director of community affairs. “Like, we may hire two. Most of this can be done remotely.”
However, Google will install the "I’m not feeling so lucky" button for KCK residents.
Chiefs linebacker Mike Vrabel was arrested Monday and charged with felony theft from a casino. Even more embarrassing: The casino was in INDIANA.
If Vrabel is convicted, he’ll be drafted by the Steelers.
Jack Goes Confidential: Feel Good ‘ARTHUR’ Delivers Well Above Expectations!
I’ll readily admit my skepticism when it came to the remaking of the 1981 hit comedy Arthur…
Especially with Russell Brand in actor Dudley Moore’s classic role.But I’m here to tell you that the 2011 version of Arthur got it right!
If you’ve never seen the original: GREAT! You’re in for a highly entertaining, heartwarming night at the movies.
Glazer: Life After Multiple Sex Partners…The Seth Jaffe Story
Brutal as yesterday was, today’s a brand new day and believe it or not, I got a brand new girlfriend out of the deal…
Moving on, I was so pleased to see that a dear friend of mine I met in prison, Seth Jaffe, is starring on his own reality show. It’s called Relapse, and Seth is the Sober Counselor on the show. The new season premiered Monday – yeah, up against the NCAA finals – and it still did well. Seth plays himself. He’s easy to recognize; deep voice, New York accent and tough. But he’s also fair and in the first show he dealt with a longtime alcoholic, father of two.
In the end it all worked out.
Seth was one of the most memorable people I met in the joint.
OTC: CBS’ Gary Parrish Links Frank Martin To Miami

Gary Parrish, college columnist,
GH: The rumors and speculation around Martin leaving KSU for Miami have been swirling ever since Mike Alden made his odd choice of plucking Frank Haith from the Hurricanes. Martin didn’t squash these rumors with his interview with Tim Brando. Parrish’s column today adds even more heat to this growing flame. Read on.
#5. All city holidays will be announced with dorky graphics…
#4. New city slogan- Where high speed internet meets high speed police chases…
#3. FB friend Spencer in KCK can now invite me to play Mafia wars 3 million times an hour…
Donnelly: Nathaniel Rateliff at the Bottleneck, April 1, 2011
"I’m fat, I can’t read, I have no education, I’m horrible at mathematics, I can’t spell, my vocabulary is really shitty," explained Nathaniel Rateliff as he sipped on a bourbon and seven.
Cigarette smoke filled the dingy upstairs band room at the Bottleneck, combining with the smell of stale beer from years of road bands.
Rateliff wants to explain…
OTC: Alex Gordon Goes From Goat To Great In 1st Week

Kevin Seitzer, Royals hitting coach, on Alex Gordon prior to the start of the season, Lincoln Journal Star
GH: Gordon could not of had a much worse outing on opening day when he went 0-5 with three Ks and struck out in his final at bat with the game on the line. Almost everyone, including me, had given up on the one-time top prospect from Nebraska. His second game wasn’t much better, again striking out with men in scoring position. But then something happened. He started to hit. He started to look comfortable. Tuesday night against the White Sox he looked down right cocky at the plate! Read on.
Today: Critics Stub Toes on Rod Stewart Two-For-One Ticket Sale Diss
What to make of yesterday’s Rod Stewart/Stevie Nicks two-for-one ticket offer…
Was it a desperation move, as the Star‘s Tim Finn implied (carefully avoiding criticizing a major advertiser)? A dumbass move by promoters, as music biz blogger Bob Lefsetz harangued?
"You make tickets 2 for 1 in the beginning, not when you realize you’ve got a stiff and can’t sell tickets and the acts are embarrassed about playing an empty hall and are having their managers lean upon you," Lefsetz groused.
Au contraire, promoters have been "papering" arenas since the days of Old Blue Eyes (more on that later).
Car: Fiat 500 Primas Hit Kansas City for Better & Worse
It’s not about me – it’s about modern automotive history….
And as of yesterday – for the first time in 28 years – new Fiat cars were for sale and on the ground in Kansas City. That’s right, eight Fiat 500 Prima Edizione cars landed at the dealership soon to be known as Fiat of Olathe just off 119th Street and I-35. They’re lined up as we speak, awaiting conclusion of their sale by Fiat of Olathe’s sister dealership in Shreveport, Louisiana.
OTC: Tim Brando Gets The Frank Martin/Miami Interview

Frank Martin, answering Tim Brando’s questions on his interest in the Miami job, Tim Brando Radio Show
GH: I grabbed these quotes from a write up by Austin Meek of the Topeka Capital Journal. Brando somehow got the interview with Martin that every local radio, TV and print media outlet should have been clamoring to get. Maybe Martin rebuffed local requests for interviews and instead went with a more national voice to air his somewhat noncommittal comments. But this is an interview that we needed done by someone locally. Getting beat by a national guy is not attractive.
Sam Mellinger, on Frank Martin’s comments on Brando’s show, Twitter
GH: It is easy to read something into Martin’s comments or read nothing at all. It all depends a=on your perspective. Read on.
Starbeams: Taking Heat Off Fred Phelps, Sprint Ads @ The K & Max Floyd’s Advice
The moron – not Morman – preacher who burned the Qur’an in Florida is now officially responsible for the deaths of American troops in Afghanistan. The only good news for locals is, he’s replaced the preacher in Topeka as the biggest loser in the nation. Whatever happened to the good old days when preachers would burn KISS and Led Zeppelin albums?
About last night’s UConn vs. Butler NCAA basketball championship. Guess I’m the only person in the nation who’s bracket led to Baker vs Mid-American Nazarene University.
2011 Off The Couch NCAA Bracket Challenge Winners

Glazer: How to Date Six to Seven Women at the Same Time & Live to Tell the Story
So you want to have a ton of girlfriends, eh?
Most men do. That’s why they want to be some sort of star or wealthy or both. Oh, we want the dough alright, but mostly because it gives us a longer shot at being in demand with the ladies. Looks certainly help but women love a guy who’s an ‘it’ man – be it local or national.
Now let’s take a gander inside the life of a guy who for years has had a stable or bullpen of girlfriends.
But before the haters unleash themselves, let me say this;
OTC: Is Frank Haith Coming & Frank Martin Going?
Pat Forde, of ESPN, on hearing Missouri will be naming Miami’s coach as their replacement for Mike Anderson, Twitter
GH: I went to bed thinking the Shaka Smart bidding between Mizzou and North Carolina State would be the story today. Instead, I woke to a funeral that has some guy named Frank Haith carrying Mike Alden’s casket all by himself down the Avenue of the Columns. Read on for the national media’s reaction.
“Mizzou hires Frank Haith. Rest of world giggles.Frank Haith is an anagram for worse hire than Quin Snyder. … I truly feel bad for Frank Haith. He doesn’t deserve today’s scorn. Mike Alden deserves every bit of it.”
Gregg Doyel, CBS Sports, Twitter
Tracy: Dear Suckers, Guess Who Isn’t Paying the E Tax – the Dudes Who Want You to Pay!
Dear KCMO Suckers:
It’s worse than you think. And if you vote Yes to extend the 1% E-Tax, it’s gonna get even worse.
Attached is the list of all the business areas that have suckered KCMO citizens into paying to remodel or redevelop THEIR businesses, while homeowners struggle to maintain their homes. Many on this list are the sugar daddies and pimps who are financing the Yes campaign for Tuesday’s E-Tax.
I want to thank Harley – the KCC commenter who is so seldom wrong (at least he thinks so) – for challenging my previous E-Tax post. He and jjskck claimed that TIF projects are not exempt from the E-Tax. I investigated.
Sorry, boys, you’re wrong. All TIFs are exempt from E-Tax!
Donnelly: Bright Eyes Disses Kansas Pols at the Uptown, Saturday April 2, 2011
Bright Eyes frontman Conor Oberst is a dramatic guy. Some critics might say that’s his downfall. The self-importance, the grand ideas, and the naivete that permeate his music.
Those people think, "Is this guy for real? This is some sappy, self-aware, sentimental, emo crap."
Fair enough.
And apparently, he’s not big on Republicans. More on that later…
Today: Pitch Founder Hal Brody Looks at Rocky Road Ahead for Alt News Pubs, Part 2
The scramble for survival is on…
The good, old days of the alternative publishing industry are behind it. Ahead lies an uncertain future. A future former Pitch – and until recently East Bay Express publisher – Hal Brody has placed in the rearview mirror.
"These papers can’t really survive like they used to just by having the world’s best calendars and a few good feature stories," Brody says. "You really have to be imbedded in the community. You have to get to the point where the community wants you to survive."
After three years of layoffs, cutbacks and incredibly-shrinking issues, Pitch editor C.J. Janovy and top reporting gun Nadia Pflaum not only left, they bailed from the biz.
New Jack City: Movie Innovators Cameron, Lucas, Katzenberg Raise Cinematic Bar
Three movie Industry heavyweights at last week’s international CinemaCon movie convention in Las Vegas told us of the exciting new innovations in 3-D development and animation.
The frank presentation panel included Hollywood titans James Cameron, Jeffrey Katzenberg and George Lucas.
Luckily the cutting-edge technologies they spoke of are not in a galaxy far, far away—but in the very near future!