Yearly Archives: 2011
Today: Lezak on What Lies Ahead for KC’s Twister Season
Is Kansas City next in line for this year’s Twister Epidemic?
St. Louis, Tennessee, Alabama – the 2011 tornado season has started with a bang. Yet we here in Wizard of Oz country have yet to see hide nor hair of a funnel cloud.
Are we in the lull before the storms?
"This is going to be an all-time record for tornadoes for a single month for the month of April," says KSHB TV weather wonk Gary Lezak. "And the tornado outbreak we had today, April 27th, in Alabama, will go down as one of the worst in U.S. history. I know there were 140 tornado reports today as of 10 p.m. And there will probably be another 10 or 20 more by midnight."
As for KC missing out on the action thus far…
Glazer: Local Cops On Ticket Writing Rampage!
They’re out in force...
Cops looking to give tickets for anything they can think of. You bet. Everyone needs the extra dough these days, even the law enforcement biz.
I’ve had more pullovers the past 12 months than ever in the last few years. I know, driving a fancy sports car doesn’t help. But I’ve been driving sportscars for 20 years, that’s nothing new.
Recently I got pulled over and written up for the tiniest traffic farts -none of them for speeding!
Today: KC Star Financials & Cutbacks Update, Monday D-Day Alert
You read it here first….
On April 11th to be exact. About the seemingly inevitable quarterly Kansas City Star layoffs and/or cutbacks of the past 4 years that appear poised to go down Monday.
For two reasons; ongoing, declining revenues both advertising and circulation. Which are measured and marked to the market at the end of every financial quarter.
And with with parent company McClatchy‘s newly announced first quarter revenues down 9.5 percent from 2010, the handwriting’s on the wall.
The cutbacks go down the Monday after pay day. At least that’s the way the game has been played in recent years.
Trust me, I’ve played it.
There are a few wild cards in the mix, but first let’s read a few tea leaves in the just released financials.
Star publisher Mark Zieman likes to explain away the ongoing cuts based on a sour economy. But that’s just the tip of the newspaper freefall iceberg.
Donnelly: Ryan Smith (Almost) Guarantees It, Sporting KC To Break Out of Funk
It seems like London around here lately. What with the fog and rain and all. So on the recommendation of London native and Sporting Kansas City winger Ryan Smith, I’ve been rocking a little Marsha Ambrosius.
It’s not really like that in London, though, explains Smith. "London is decent, we have decent weather, I don’t know why we’re associated with cold rainy grey, it’s not like that. Some days are like that of course."
And unfortunately, some months are like that if you are Sporting Kansas City, who take their own personal rain cloud wherever they go lately. Depressing, I know.
Let’s try and think of something else for a moment…
Glazer: No NFL Season? No Effing Way! Here’s Why.
No Football? No Way!
Read my lips: It can’t happen. In this miserable economy with one of, if not THE biggest escapes for men (and some woman) the NFL is badly needed. It used to be about folks backing their home team. Not now.
It’s the fun,enjoyment and that $100 bet that matters on Sunday, Monday, Thursday and even some Saturdays in the world of today’s NFL. We would all be so damn depressed. I think it’s so important that behind the scenes the White House would get involved. If they haven’t already. Even Obama needs the NFL for relief of stress.
If he wants to get re-elected.
Yes, for 3-9 hours on any given Sunday a guy can leave his problems at the door. Just sit back and get into one to three games. Yes from noon until nearly midnight it’s NFL action on Sunday.
What’s even nicer is you get to come home Monday to Monday Night Football which makes Mondays bearable.
Hearne: KanRocksas Feasts Off Lollapalooza, Misses Foo Fighters, Plays Name Game
About the music lineup for this summer’s KanRocksas Festival at Kansas Speedway…
Eminem and Muse are Friday and Saturday’s headliners, with Girl Talk. Flaming Lips, Perfect Circle, Kid Cudi, Black Keys, Primus and Arctic Monkeys backing the two-day camping fest lineup.
Any chance of rumored headliner acts Foo Fighters or Red Hot Chili Peppers being added to the bill?
"No," Fritz says. "Eminem and Muse are the two headliners. I mean, there’s going to be another 15 bands announced, but nothing on that level."
A front page Kansas City Star story today missed its mark in addressing a possible conflct Chicago’s Lollalpalooza.
Fact is, KanRocksas is feeding off Lollalpalooza by luring its talent while the bands are in the area.
Hearne: No Fooling, Plaza ‘Falloon Rises Tonight, Complete With Patio
There’s just no quit to rumors about the Plaza’s Granfalloon sports bar…
Yes, it did get its teet in a financial wringer two years ago via its here today, gone tomorrow Granfalloon North. And rumors that its vaunted Plaza local could take a hit were not entirely unfounded. However it made it through the storm and has signed a new lease.
As for its recent closing, not a problem. It actually is for remodeling, not one of those faux remodelings or plumbing repairs area bars and restaurants often use to hide their liquor license wrist slappings.
That said, when someone said they were concerned about the closing I popped by for a check. Remodeling, all right.
When will it reopen, I asked a worker? "Supposed to be tomorrow, " he said sarcastically.
Guess what? They made it!
Take 26.2: Part II / My Time At The 2011 Boston Marathon

Today: Dust Storm Closes Jardine’s; New Digs Debut Wednesday, New Menu Next Week
Think of it as the post-remodeling storm, pain-in-the-butt lull…
Jardine‘s jazz club on the Plaza will close tonight and reopen Wednesday in phoenix-like form.
"We sanded all the floors yesterday," says owner Beena Brandsgard. "And we have to close tonight because there’s so much dust everywhere. But the place looks great – it’s completely revamped."
Jazz crooner Kathleen Holeman’s show tonight has been canceled and will be rescheduled.
As for Jardine’s improvements and new look…
OTC: NFL Lockout Suspended / NFL Draft Not Deep On Qbs
Lester Munson, saying the judge worded the judgment so strongly that it will be difficult for the owners to get it turned around, ESPN
GH: Let’s hope so. I can’t think of a news item I have been less interested in than the NFL lockout. What the owners and players should realize is that we just want football. We don’t care who makes the money since it’s all coming out of our pockets.
Brian Baldinger, talking to Bob Fescoe and Josh Klingler, discussing the lack of fan interest in the lockout and therefore the NFL, 610 AM
Starbeams: Out with the Easter Bunny, In with The Beast, Thirsty Kidz & Royals
Those scary Easter Bunnies are being removed from the Plaza, signaling the start of haunted house season in Kansas City.
The average age for Missouri kids take their first drink of alcohol is 11. The good news? Fewer smoke because they say cigarettes cut into their meth money.
New Jack City: The Adult Cable Hits Just Keep On Coming
Hats off to the ongoing creativity of adult movie makers who bring their latest porn-on-demand into our living rooms…
Or, for that matter, into any cable ready room in the house. You’ve gotta give’em credit for keeping the, uh, creative juices flowing when titling their little gems. Which we then get the pleasure of purchasing for a limited 4-hour viewing window.
Here then the latest batch of my current 10 favorite pay-per-view titles:
Hearne: KanRocksas Fest to Become Kansas City’s Bonnaroo
It’s like this…
The dramatic announcement of a geeky sounding music fest – KanRocksas -at Kansas Speedway this summer may seem haphazard, but that’s not the case, says promoter Chris Fritz.
"There was some logic to it," Fritz muses. "The idea here is to make this an incredible music experience for the music fans."
More to the point, an annual experience…
Today: Kansas Speedway Rock Festival Will Be a Lollapalooza; Primus, Girl Talk, Flaming Lips?
Seems everybody’s lips are sealed until 2 p.m. today…
Well, almost everybody’s lips. That regarding the queer-sounding music fest called the KanRocksas Music Festival. Talk of more than 20 acts August 5 and 6 at a local venue that some say could be Livestrong Park. Others the Kansas Speedway.
On a scale of 10, how big a deal is it?
"It’s a 12, dude," says one area entertainment exec. "This is the biggest thing in Kansas City this summer!"
Here’s the deal: It will go down at the Kansas Speedway with the lineup that reportedly includes Primus, Flaming Lips & Girl Talk.
Other possibile acts in a 20-plus band lineup include the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Foo Fighters.
Reportedly, it’s a mad plan by a recent millionaire who sold his company and wants to host a kickass concert.
Glazer: Make Way for the Red-Blooded, Blue-Eyed, Ass-Kicking, All-American Jew!
Every group has its stereotypes…
Mexicans are lazy. Blacks are dangerous (and lazy). Asians can’t drive but they’re really smart. Oh, and Jews are cheap and pushy. Generally speaking, these stereotypes usually have an element of reality to them. Jews got their tag for a simple reason; older Jews who live here – and they’re dying off now – came from Europe where they were being slaughtered en masse for being, uh, Jews.
We all know about Germany…
However, the same things were going on in Russia and Spain (to a lesser extent). Kill the Jew. Why? No good reason, he’s not Christian; he’s different. Even though Jews caused no problems and helped with education and the economy – kill the Jew.
By the way, even Mel Gibson’s version of the Baby Jesus story, has the Jew only telling on the Big Guy.
Donnelly: Arcade Fire at Starlight Theater, April 20, 2011
Some bands exist under the mainstream radar for a long time, earning a loyal following and some indie accolades, before coming to the realization that in order to be commercially successful, a bit of bending to the will of the corporate machine is necessary.
This is usually when the music suffers.
No longer are songs written simply for the sake of being a good song. Other considerations emerge: Can this sound cross over? Is thehook catchy enough, but still with an edge? Is my hairstyle weird enough for people to take me seriously as a musician?
But not Arcade Fire.
Glazer: Kelly’s in Westport Boots Q104 & Jack FM Morning Show Hosts
For decades Kelly‘s in Westport managed to dodge the "bad news" bullets…
Not so of late. Last Thursday Q104 morning host Mike Kennedy brought his radio crew and recording star J. T. Hodges to Kelly’s for a night of KC fun. Hodges is on Toby Keth’s label and Mike wanted to impress the out of towners with a few beers.
He even bought a bunch of memorabilia from Kelly’s – T-shirts and so forth – for the recording folks.
So things started off pleasantly enough…
Hearne: Radio Ratings Mop Up; Johnny Dare, Nick Wright & A.M. Heavy Hitters
The days of the radio giants may be fading fast…
where are the up-and-coming Johnny Dares, Mike Murphy’s or Kevin Kietzmans these days? In the PPM metered ratings world of today, success seems to be based more on music format and programming than personalities.
So how are the few we have left faring?
Let’s start with morning drive, 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. with men 25 to 54. Numero Uno: Who else, Johnny Dare with a 14.5 share
Today: Radio Ratings Shocker! Funny 102.5 Yuks its Way Towards Top
There’s really only one word to describe new Cumulus radio station Funny 102.5, Wow!
In a single month of existence, the 24/7 comedy station exploded onto the scene in the No. 7 slot – with a 4.7 share – for adults ages 25 to 54 during the prime listening hours of 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday .
To put that in persepctive, that’s nearly double News Radio KMBZ’s 2.7 share and 17th place finish.
Here are the March Top 10 ratings in the key adults 25-54 demo for Monday thru Friday 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Donnelly: Sporting KC’s Teal Bunbury Talks About US Soccer, Dreams of Playing in Europe
Teal Bunbury talks really fast. You can tell he has lots of ideas of his own, but sometimes he tries to just say the "right" thing.
After all, he wants to be a good teammate. And he wants to be a good employee.
And by all accounts, he is both.
And he’s barely 21 years old. And, oh yeah, he wants to go play in Europe and will probably get a shot at that real soon.
I’ve said it before, KC: enjoy Teal while you can, because sooner rather than later you’ll be watching him Sunday mornings on FSC…