Yearly Archives: 2011
OTC: To Write Or Not To Write, Which Is Nobler?

Scott, KCC Comments
GH: I was not surprised that my decision to report this unfortunate news about Paul Splittorff’s rapidly deteriorating health and his battle with cancer on two fronts painted me in the eyes of some as a heartless, sensationalistic ass. Did I weigh the personal repercussions and attacks to my professionalism before deciding to post this story? Not really. I understand that these are simply byproducts of being a reporter and a journalist.
“Really poor journalistic work here. And you can hide and say you’re not a ‘journalist’ since you’re blogging, but it’s a pretty unethical violation of Splitt’s privacy.”
Max, KCC Comments
GH: It is my opinion I did follow journalistic ethics in writing this story. Whether the subject of the story is pleased or not that the report is being made public is not part of the equation in deciding whether or not to tell the story. Does it matter that I like Splitt and have even shared some fun one-on-one conversations? No. Is it easy to write a story you know a well-liked and respected man will be unhappy reading? No.
Donnelly: Joe Purdy at the Bottleneck, May 14, 2011
Apparently, sensitive guys can also be kind of militant. In an indignant – not agressive – way.
As I wandered around the Bottleneck taking in the crowd and listening to Joe Purdy’s soulful drawl from every angle, some guy tapped me on the shoulder.
"Hey man, you’re standing right in front of us."
Startled, I turned around to find a 20-something Grad Assistant-looking dude with a girl sitting in one of the back booths. This guy was serious.
"What?" I thought to myself. "This is a fucking bar. Sit, stand, crouch, lean, it’s all fair game, right?"
Hearne: Through the Glass Jaggedly at Rainmakers Reunion
For starters, this is not a review per se of last weekend’s Rainmakers reunion show at Knuckleheads…
Think of it as a birdseye window into the sold out third-coming of a KC band from the ’80s that almost made it. Hey, they got a lot farther – locally and nationally – as recording artists than pride of Blue Springs, David Cook.
As for the show, it’s amazing how old people from the mid 1980s are looking these days.
"I haven’t seen this much grey hair since the Golden Girls were on TV," cracked Cowtown Ballroom director/producer Joe Heyen.
Royals Great, Paul Splittorff, In A Losing Battle With Cancer

Today: Joe Miller’s Post Record Day Take on New Vinyl Renaissance on 39th St.
Will vinyl records ever truly come back into vogue for the masses?
Maybe. Probably around the time iPods fall out of fashion. That said, a growing number of audiphiles – young and old – are dipping their toes (and wallets) in the retro record-buying waters. The latest vinyl store to splash down in what Tony likes to call KC Proper; Vinyl Renaissance on 39th Street in Midtown.
"I don’t like that Vinyl Renaissance at all," says journalist, author, scholar and vinyl collector Joe Miller.
Donnelly: Donovan & Beckham Push Sporting KC Closer To The Point Of No Return
Well, what can you say?
Another road game for Sporting Kansas City, another disappointing result.
Despite getting on the board first Saturday night at the Home Depot Center in LA, by the time it was all said and done, SKC was on the wrong side of a 4-1 stomping at the hands of Landon Donovan’s LA Galaxy.
Simply put, LA is just a much better team than KC is right now…
Mancow: Rainmakers Deliver @ Knuckleheads Reunion Show
The reunion was fantab-gulorious!!!
The Rainmakers brought it. Doing the ENTIRE first CD first was wonderful.
Father Son, Holy Cow!
Again, I maintain they should be filling stadiums.
There in the shadow of Rockfest was this great show at an oddly wonderful venue, Knuckleheads Saloon.
OTC: Scott Boras Expects Hosmer’s Future Free Agency To Be “Eventful”

Jeff Passan, writer,
GH: Boras managed to get Hosmer a $6-million signing bonus from the Royals out of high school. It makes some sense that Hosmer will listen to his well-paid agent when and if the Royals come calling this season with an offer to lock him up with a long-term deal. But will TV revenues really increase to a point where another fountain of cash will inflate MLB free agency? Times are changing and not in a good way for professional athletes. Boras might want to check with what is happening in the NFL.
“You can’t look at the markets of the past. For players like Hosmer, as you go back and look, as [Mark] Teixeira had his own market and [Prince] Fielder had his own market, Hosmer will have his own. And something tells me it’s going to be a rather eventful one.”
Scott Boras,
Today: How 610 Sports Predecessor Put One Over on the WHB Gang
Yesterday’s Joe Posnanski quitting radio column calls to mind the days when there was but a single all-sports station in Kansas City…
But the dastardly forces of Entercom – then under the guiding hand of Bob Zuroweste – had other ideas. Zuroweste had seen the sports talk radio dominance of Don Fortune at 980 KMBZ wither at the hands of Kevin Kietzman and the brash buggers at WHB’s forebear KCTE.
Prior to the entry of Kietzman and partner Chad Boeger, the prevailing wisdom had been that the marketplace would not support a full time sports station. Afternoon drive and evenings were more than enough. But once Kietzman and Boeger got in the game, the handwriting was on the wall; 24/7 sports radio was the future.
Leaving Zuroweste and Entercom to play catchup. Here’s how Entercom’s sneak attack went down…
The city of Overland Park now has mounted police. Be on the lookout for a new posse patrolling its affluent streets.
#5. Must be willing to train your horse not to let other drivers merge.
#4. Must be willing to fight dangerous crime like when people leave their garage doors open…
#3. Can’t be embarrassed to ride in a saddle made by Gucci.
#2. Must resist the temptation to be suspicious of people doing garden work.
And the No. 1 qualification for being a Johnson County Mounty…
Hearne: Mancow to Renew Love/Hate Relationship w/ Rainmakers at Knuckleheads
Talk about dysfuctional relationships…
Syndicated shock jock Erich "Mancow" Muller is jetting in for this weekend’s Rainmakers reunion at Knuckleheads Saloon. Wouldn’t miss it for the world, says the Chicago-based radio and television personality.
In spite how things unfolded between the former Kansas Citian and a band once heralded as KC’s next big thing.
Glazer: Rockfest to Rule KC Concert Roost Over Aggie’s (Politically) Dead Body
Maybe that goofy Aggie Stackhaus actually helped Johnny Dare and 98.9 FM’s Rockfest more than anyone would have imagined….
With all the publicity last year over the mud and rain b.s. it focused a lot of attention on the event in the media. In fact, the mayor even came out and backed 98.9 and Dare. He made it clear that Rockfest stays where it is, no matter what Aggie thinks! She wanted it moved due to all the mud damage.
Yeah sure, Aggie. Let’s see if the new mayor reappoints you to the park board.
Meanwhile, Dare has named the porta potty area "Aggie Ville."
Hearne: Crossroads Grows from Controversial Pipe Dream to KC Concert Institution
The concept of live music in the Crossroads started out as part controversy, part pipe dream…
But as they say, time flies.
"This must be year five for the Crossroads," says promoter Brett Mosiman. "Holy crap! That’s hard to believe. Who would have thought that we would have made it, huh?"
In addition to calming area loft dweller’s concerns, Mosiman and partner Stretch faced formidable competition for outdoor shows from established venues like Sandstone, Starlight, the City Market, Westport and more. But instead of playing it safe and booking a handful of concerts, Mosiman dived in full force and it’s been growing both in number and quality of the acts ever since.
Sounds Good: Jessica Lea Mayfield@RecordBar; Nick Arcade@Granada; Brooke Fraser & Joe Purdy@Bottleneck
One of these things is not like the others…
I was thinking to myself, maybe it’s time to branch out a little.
You know, mix in a little something different, a little zig with my zag.
And after all, it is stop day at KU, so what the hell…
OTC: Hosmer’s 1st Homer Is At Yankees Stadium / Royals Superfan Chris Interview

Illeana Hosmer, Eric Hosmer’s mom in the stands at Yankee Stadium, after her 21-year-old son hit his first MLB home run, FSRoyals
GH: Hopefully, this will become old hat for Hosmer and his clan. But on this night in the Bronx, it was a very special moment for Hos and his parents. I cannot even imagine how all this must feel for his mom and dad, who just three years ago were watching him play ball in high school.
“I think Hosmer will hit his first major-league home run at Yankee Stadium during this series.”
Kevin Kietzman, prior to the Royals/Yankees series this week, 810 AM
GH: Good thing KK didn’t predict Hosmer was heading to the Big 10.
Today: My Favorite Joe Posnanski Kansas City Star Column
October 9, 1999…you are there:
"The grandest moment of my distinguished two-month radio career was no doubt that Tuesday afternoon in early August when the voice of my radio partner, Brooks Melchior, suddenly disappeared," Posnanski wrote of his brief broadcasting career. "He was in River Falls, Wis., at the time and his microphone had, in technical terms, gone dead or something. Those were the audacious, early days of 1250 AM, a time when it seemed that millions of dollars of sophisticated and delicate radio equipment had been installed by forest animals.
Anyway, Brooks’ voice cut off suddenly, and everything was quiet. I mean everything. The whole world was quiet. And I was left with the age-old adventure of filling time that has faced every great radio voice from Walter Winchell to Orson Welles to Mike and the Mad Dog.
Like those men, I rose to face the challenge.
"Uh, you’ve got to say something," producer Nate Bukaty said through my earphones.
Jack Goes Confidential: Crude and Raunchy ‘BRIDESMAIDS’—A BLAST!
Most comedies headlined by Saturday Night Live cast members might have made a good seven minute sketch.
But streched into a 2 hour-long movie they’ve often faded into a drawn-out abyss of failure, the laughs giving way to embarassingly long jibberish.
That’s NOT the case with BRIDESMAIDS!
Thanks to its producer Judd Apatow ( 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up) this one doesn’t fall into the SNL trap.
The comedy’s opening scene alone is a wild and dirty romp between the sheets that had me craving a cigarette by the time it was over.
You’d swear it came straight from one of Craig Glazer’s fabled adventures…
Starbeams: End of Posnanski Pox Epidemic Frees KC for Sports Greatness
Let me just say what everyone is thinking. I fully expect the Royals to win the World Series and the Chiefs to win the Super Bowl now that the Joe Posnanski sports jinx is gone. Our hard-luck sports streak could also be linked to Johnny Rowland’s mustache.
Kansas governor Sam Brownback fired the Kansas Arts Commission and the entire agency will be shut down in June. From now on, all art in Kansas will consist of images of Jesus found in tree bark.
Car: Driving the 2012 Fiat 500 Prima, Solid but a Little Souless
Think deja vu revisited…
It didn’t take a genius to predict that $4 gas was coming again. Hey, I did it. Nor did it require a long memory to think back to 2008 when car dealers were drowning in unsellable, gas-guzzling trucks and SUVs. The only thing that’s spared us high dollar gas since was a worldwide recession.
And now here we go again…
Americans standing in line to buy Honda Civics and Toyota Prius cars. Hybrids almost impossible to find – thanks to consumer demand and the earthquake in Japan.
Fortunately affordable options like the new Fiat 500 exist.
I took delivery of one last month and with 1,500 miles on it, here’s what I can report.
Today: Jolting Joe Posnanski Exits KC Via Flowery Farewell
A few highlights and the between the lines on Joe Posnanski’s farewell ode…
It was a nice gesture for the Star to choke out a handful of hundred bucks to driveway deliver Joe’s farewell to KC column (he’s moving to North Carolina). That said, it would have been even nicer had the newspaper addeda little reporting to the mix. That way – in theory – readers wouldn’t be left with quite so many unanswered questions.
Like why’s Joe leaving KC and what exactly awaits him in NC.
Left to his own, Posnanski merely says he’s bailing "for many reasons, personal and professional."
What was that again?