OK sports fans and Glazer haters here we go…
Let me start by saying these are things I did as Father Time moved in on my ass. YOU DON’T HAVE TO FOLLOW MY ADVICE. It’s simply advice – take it or leave it.
This is not a ME story but a YOU story.
If you are a younger reader, these are things to consider down the road. If you are over 40 these are issues facing you right now. One thing to keep in mind, with modern medicine many of these options will change and become better.
Some of you are happy with the way you are, and that’s fine.
However if you have some vanity and want to battle the clock, HAVE AT IT!
Let’s address the steroids first. One should only use Testosterone and HGH (human growth hormone) with a doctor’s care. Both are legal and can be covered by Blue Cross. Mine are. Find a doctor who believes in the process. The doctor does a blood check and decides if you qualify and your body can handle the steroids. Both are produced naturally by your own body.
That’s right, HCG, the growth hormone, is a protein made in the pituitary glands. When used properly these two steroids will help you lose weight, turn that into muscle and smooth the skin. It will help you look younger and fitter.
And in most cases it ups your sex drive a ton.
Women can also use different forms of the same drugs to bring back their sex drives and help lose weight. I have used them for two years and the results are outstanding. I have also placed friends with my doctors and they all are happy.
"Changed my life for the better, brother, I owe you for this advice. It’s made me so damn happy. My wife thanks you as well," said a pal from Woodside who is in his early 60’s who now looks 10 years younger and has a strong sex drive again. All in three months.
You must work out with the drugs to make them work best.
Remember, I had an advantage since I have been a gym rat for decades. It tightened up my stomach and dropped the little handle bars around my waist in about three months. The HGH has kept my skin smooth and I have few wrinkles.
I look at least 15 years younger than I am.
This is not for everyone. There’s NO evidence that shows harm in usage when the doses are correct.
Many ballplayers and bodybuilders use steroids like Anabal which are not naturally produced and may cause issues. I suggest you see a doctor and ask him all your questions before you make a move. Remember this stuff is now being advertised on TV. So it’s not like sneaking into Mexico and doing something illegal.
By the way, I said goodbye to my 2008 Porsche a couple weeks back.
I loved that car, but it had reached 50,000 miles and it was time to go. The new ones looked pretty much the same as mine, so I didn’t feel good about spending $88,000 for a new Cayman that looked the same as my old one.
So Hearne talked me into looking at the Lotus Evora.
We had no dealers here so we drove to St. Louis and I drove the only new one that was left, a black on black job. Sadly, the delivery day was the same as my little brother’s funeral, so I put it off a few days. And frankly, it has not been as fun to have owing to my feelings about my brother’s sudden and unexpected death.
In time I’m sure it will seem better. It’s clearly a show stopper though.I have always driven exotic cars – I still have a 1990 Porsche 944 S – there are less than 100 remaining in the US. I had that car in LA and it’s given me some fond memories so I’ve kept it. And it still looks cool.
Face it, the car doesn’t make the man, but it does make a statement.
As for my famous hair, when I was young my hair was so thick the barber had to use thinner clippers to get through the damn stuff. In my 20s it began to thin. Hopefully not from a wild night in my mom’s medicine cabinet.
By the time I got to Hollywood in 1981, I was already doing the comb over a bit.
I still had enough hair in those days – we all had long hair back then – but you could see it was thinning. I tried everything, the electric rake, the Burt Reynolds spray (black hair spray in a can that covers the bald spot). That worked until one night a cute gal spent the night, we woke up and she had that black crap all over her hands and face.
I tried to convince her that it was her own makeup, but she knew better.
So one day I read about Elton John doing some special hair thing. In those days the hair transplant was not perfected (today it’s damn good) and you ended up with plugs that looked like a porcupine.
For a ton of dough, they cut the long hair in back and married it to your growing hair on top with a condom like rubber heated piece over your scalp to hold the hair in place. It worked well, you just had to have lots of extra hair. They still had to color the dead hair and trim what is growing – kinda a pain in the ass – but it looked damn good. It helps because it’s YOUR HAIR even though its not growing anymore.
To this day, I do not get grey hair at all except a tinge in my facial hair and even less in my side burns. That will come though. You can go to the store and get mustache coloring for the facial hair. It brushes in and washes out – takes five minutes.
These are just suggestions. Again, not everyone wants to fight aging. But it’s nice to think you can look 38 at 58 and you can. It takes work and effort. Hey, but if you’re too far gone, you can at least go low carb diet and use the testosterone to get slim. Everyone doesn’t have to look like an ex NFL cornerback to look great.
Clothes are important, too. Try Dillard‘s at Oak Park Mall. Great selection of clothes for younger/older guys and shoes as well.
This Christmas get yourself a great gift.
Give yourself some years back. It works. Again I’m single and like to date around, so it works for me. I could lie about my age, but Johnny Dare makes sure that won’t work. Damn. Oh yeah, I’ll be out with a 20-something and her girlfriends will say, "I heard on Dare that Craig was over 50. Hell, your dad is only 30-something"
That kind of peer pressure can kill you.
I know many of you will say, who needs to do that? Just find a nice girl closer to your own age. Maybe. But in the meantime, I’m gonna keep rocking and rollling.
what a trainwreck
what a trainwreck this guy is.
I GOT TO GIVE YOU CREDIT….because you dont give a shit. But you don’t care…you just crash thru everyone and
don’t care what they think..you’re doing what you want.
I admire that. We may go after each other and throw word darts at each other but buddy you are defintely
one of a kind. Not only did they break the mold after you but they started a new branch of evolution with you!
And remember one thing…age is a thing of mind over matter…if you don’t mind..it don’t matter.
The little girl with the sexy tits and big hair….are you doing her. Please tell chucky and robertoooooo you are so they
can fantasize about it. They’re homebodies and need some exctiement in their lives.
And you forgot to include one more piece of shopping advnce. Whe n you’re the pimp of kc like you are don’t buy
your furniture at wal mart…go get a decent entertainment center for the room….that one in the pic looks like shit…
maybe try nebraska furhiture mart or get hearne to trade one at kiefs…how to hell is a guy like you going to pick up the
hotties on the street and bring them back to a condo with shitty furniture….is that center from the 80’s?
And chucky….that girls pic will look nice on your bed’s headboard….make it easy to take care of yourself!
you are one cool dude glaze……
okay i;’ve got to tell this one joke
if they use a condom like heated piece on your head…does that make you a dickhead? okay…had to ask it…
you’re not one…but you are one of a kind~
SORRY…MEANT ENERGIZER BUNNY….got my hares mixed up.
Oh, my.
Delusional. Anyhow,
“Let’s address the steroids first. One should only use Testosterone and HGH (human growth hormone) with a doctor’s care. Both are legal and can be covered by Blue Cross. Mine are. Find a doctor who believes in the process. The doctor does a blood check and decides if you qualify and your body can handle the steroids. Both are produced naturally by your own body.”
HGH is not a steroid.
Thanks Harley
Well I don’t consider you a hater. You are very funny. Sometimes you get a bit over the top, like the kid thing, but hey, whatever floats the boat. I enjoy your stuff cause I think you kind mean well. At least every comment isn’t “Glazer sucks, he is bs, on and on” so thats fine. Yes this girl, Jessie, is a girlfriend, clearly that is my condo, which is nicely furnished, bad TV angle I admit. I have many paintings on the walls, from good artists both sports and real life. Many by Sylvia Moss, a well known LA artist and a friend. Also sports by Aaron Binder, he did all my sports films on canvas, some on Ali and even Mike Jordan…though that movie didn’t go…so some fun stuff. Believe it or not I have almost no articles or magazine stories of me on the walls. So I am not the egomaniac some think I must be. My book and some dvd’s of my films are on the coffee table, but not too much….hey I hate when the girl says, “oh give me an autographed book” they take it home and figure out “shit he’s over 50” …..then all that noise starts…
25 and up will accept 40’s not 50’s….its a tough sell, but I can sell it sometimes….girls 30 and up will bite most of the time…my being well known helps and so do the toys and being in great shape…we often need all that…its a hard game….so yeah she is hot, Jessie is 28 now…fun girl.
True HGH is not a steroid
Yes that is correct, its thought of as one, but you are right its not. Thank you for helping.
I’ll Take You Glazer
Boy you look better than guys I dated that were 30! You smack’em down Craig. Like to see more car and more skin, FROM YOU.
I’ll Bite
How do you find these type of doctors? Are they listed a certain way? I have to say, great results. However what did you look like before the roids?
Not A Hater
Call him, Hearne, Matt and whomever when warranted, give them all props as well when deserved. But…
“I GOT TO GIVE YOU CREDIT….because you dont give a shit. But you don’t care…you just crash thru everyone and
don’t care what they think..you’re doing what you want.” – harley
…obviously he does care what people think as many of his posts and on-line battles with all his so-called haters would seem to indicate. Nothing wrong with pimping or defending himself, but let’s be real, judging by his on-line persona which I’m guessing is close to reality, Craig seems to crave acceptance from others almost MORE than anyone I’ve ever seen or heard. Someone who truly doesn’t care, wouldn’t engage in blogosphere pissing contests with anonymous posters over his self-worth. Again, no real problem with that (I ofetn find it entertaining), just think harley in a sense, was way off-base with his above comment.
GET A NEW ENTERTAINMENT CENTER.. one there looks like something in a college dorm.
Go down…pick out a $400-$500 center…..and uh charge it to….
he aint getting no dates aft4er his adventureous hands with mermaid so he’s got plenty
oif exttra cash…..no pu$$$$$ie….means lots of extra dough.
And how about jessie without a shirt….chucky vwould go absolutely beserk….would cover all the
walls of his house with _________
PB This Is An Entertainment Site
PB this is a site for your entertainment and some hard news. I am in the entertainment biz. It calls for doing just that. Sometimes being that guy calls for a “personality” that is in some cases over the top. It’s not for acceptance but for understanding of different situations. What is clear, and something many on here don’t want to accept, that may include you is this….I have lived a life based on ‘the road less traveled’ simple as that. Doesn’t mean you agree or want to do what I did or do, its just a life that most people in the mid west or anywhere for that matter see in books or on screen, you don’t have to like it. Of course it will always call into question many things. For the most part, I understand that people who don’t like “Craig” aren’t going to change their minds regardless of what I say or do. People who don’t care what I have to say, just “don’t care” thats all up to them, not me.
You’re so vain
You probably think this post is about you, don’t you, don’t you?
Well, I do
That television is embarrassingly small by today’s standards, too. I’m with you, Craig’s pad is post divorce stark. Maybe he’s just waiting for the right Mermaid to come along and make an honest man out of him.
Meanwhile, maybe we’ll auction off his old entertainment / media center at the KCC Christmas party next month at Jardine’s. Good idea, H Man.
Now That Was Some Great Stuff
Craig, we have been on opposite ends of the fence on many stories, but this was really fun and love the photos. I’m not gonna start the steroids, but you sure are convincing. Keep up the battle Glazer.
Just got the shirtless pic up, take a gander
What’s Craig’s expression? Read it, live, learn…whatever!
Not Knocking You, Craig
Because as you (and I ) said, it’s often entertaining. Since I don’t know you personally, I can only judge from the persona you present here and I was just saying that my perception is that you seem to crave attention, whether it be positive or negative, doesn’t seem to matter. With that, I guess I will agree that you don’t necessarily care what people think of you, just that they ARE thinking of you. Again, all just perception from my keyboard. Road less traveled, attention whore, modern Renaissance Man (yikes!)…doesn’t matter to me, for the most part, I enjoy reading your shit, but will also continue to give you shit when warranted. Carry on.
You A Pimp
Craig, I know we was gonna go out and didn’t. I want too. That car looks nice and man you got some pipes, you look better than we was humping and pumping. So come get me or at least call me. For real.
Cool Ride
I’ve never seen that car, the Lotus Evora. Is that a new style? Are there any in KC? Can you buy one here? How about that girl, can you buy one here?
Read all about it. Mr. Craig Glazer, famous movie producer, author, actor, renown radio and television star, and famous international playboy gets arrested for charity fraud. Mr. Glazer posted a 3000 dollar bond. Associated Press
That girl in
the picture is a teen goer! You have a teen she is a goer. I remember her from 5 years ago. That girl is a least 30. I could not get her to leave! She wanted more and more, I finally had to throw her out! She was allright. I think she might be a little bit not all there. Beware
I love how
the shirt is hiding the stomach and you can obviously see the surgical scars. Way to show what modern plastic surgery can do for an over 60 guy. They did almost as good on you as they did John Travolta.
I would also
say the farther the camera is a way the better you look. Up close…man all those lines…
Haters Please!
surgical scars, shirt covering stomach, when will it end, oh the girl is a tramp named shmoe dog….you don’t know the girl, I’m sure nobody you know would throw her out….I have never had facial surgery, oh sorry, I did have dark circles taken off with a cleaning about 7 years ago…no surgery…there are no wrinkles to speak of unless maybe when I smile too much..CHUCK FRAUD, WTF…THAT CAN’T BE YOU…never happened….what else, oh yeah there is a photo by my car, how can the tight shirt cover anything moron….dream on….LISTEN,LEARN,WRITE IT DOWN…BYE
The shirt is covering your stomach. Plus your wig or bond what ever it is looks fake in that picture. You need to take it off!! You can let your pets play with it. Most Sincere
The Boy Is Clean
No facework, maybe dick work, just kidding. Craig I am coming to see Illiza Schelesinger, she is so darn funny. I saw he win that contest and have seen her TV show. Go for her. If I still have my new boyfriend that long we will be there first week in December, Friday. Will get with you on it. Need good seats on YOU ok? You owe me buddy. Love the car, drive safely. All the jealous guys, nope thats Craig, he is and I hate to admit a HOTTIE.
That Is A Crap Photo
Have to tell ya, that photo was taken at 4 AM after a long night of sex….still body looks good, hair is a mess, but know what I still look fucking great…tell ya what haters email your photos to Hearne and we will put them up so you can show off like me on how good you look, hair, body, girlfriends…as long as its you. Bet there are no takers…..so LISTEN,LEARN,WRITE IT DOWN. just trying to help. Mo and Barbie thanks for your support, good work. Barbie I will see you soon, promise. Mo, you got the tix, just call or text….
hey dipshit
not talking about facial surgery. Explain the scar underneath your nipple. Explain the scar underneath your breasts? Or is that just rolls of fat on the body that look like scars? And when you say you just had sex you are talking about masturbation right? Maybe thats a towel you are holding to wipe yourself off?
Hey Craig
Do you have any nude pictures i can see? Maybe some with the young boy that observed you have sex? I told all those people that the boys were over 18 just like you and Hearne are? l Love ya
okay glaze…her’s some more advice…
1. get hearne to trade you a laser hair removal with roger the plumber. Have him take his rooter and
get rid of that hair…body hair is okay for 60 year olds but if you’re gonna comete with the young gyuys
get all that hair removed asap.
2. don’t take photos at 4am after sex. Wait til hearne leaves before you go doing party pics at
your house.
3. at the xmas party I’ll kick in $1.50 to start a GET GLAZE A NEW ENTERTAINMENT CENTER FUND.
that looks horirble in your condo. And for a guy that drive a 100k CAR you’d think he’d could afford
$99 at k mart for a decent tv stand/center. Also…get a new tv…your hotties need to watch tv while
hand jobbing you (mine likes to watch animal planet while we have sex lol)….
4. everyone…glaze should be a millionaire…heres a guy with a comedy club who’s on every radio station
and people everywhere know him. Glaze…obama needs a new pr guy…go help him…
5. bring jessica to my xmas party in paola in december. I love hot large breasted short women…
oh my….those are all day sucker she’s packing….whooooaaaaaaa…
6. Help a guy out. This holiday party at jardines we;ll try and get robertooooooooooo a date for
new years…maybe not mermaid …but theres got to be some blind single broad he can take out…
beg one of your girls to bring their grandma for rrrrrrooooobbbbbbb eeeeerrrrrttttttoooooooo…please!
Guys that shave their chests are girls! Yuch. I like a guy with hair. In fact if a guy doesn’t have hair on their chest I probably won’t date them. And as far as the TV stand goes – who cares? How shallow to knock someone for that? If it was a beautiful huge TV or really fancy you would say something negative about that. You know I’m right.
In Summary
Wow! You’re making Snookie and “Sitch” look like Cloward and Piven.
Who needs to worry about 12-21-12 when FUCKING 33-ADD (get it) is knocking on the front door.
King Of KCK
Nice post Glaze….you ever take the Lotus over to Pogo’s on Ladie’s night?
Don’t believe him, it’s starker than shit
Thats not me Glaze
Its JoJo/Harley.
Cool car, great chicks.
Beat on my ass.
Goin to bed.
Harley, I will see ya later.
mermaid…if you walked into one of your sponsors condos/apartments and saw that little tv and tv stand I guarantee
you’d run out thje door. I’m sure the first thing you check is a guys bank account. I’m sure all you’re sponsors
have money because if they didn’t you’d hit the road fast.
As far as body hair…if you like that you won’t find that on those young guys you’re sleeping with. You’re so stuck in the
80’s girl that you’d better get up to date if you’re gonna be wit boy toys. Body hair is out girl just like hair between your
legs is out. Most women (women…not tramps) like no body hair…check out the trendy magazine and you’ll see..
and men like a very clean shaven woman also.
If you haven’t shaved the triangle i seriously doubt anyone’s gonna spend much time down there.
Get with it… you said you wouldn’t date someone if they didn’t have hair….to me that shows how
seriously shallow you are and its obvious now why you’re writing columns on a public blog because you can’t
get a decent date. At your age you can’t be too picky or you end up spending xmas and new years
with jr (glazes dog). Of course that might be better than the
I offered to introduce you to some great guys but you choose the barflys so I wish you luckin your
search. and be sure to check their license to make sure they’re of age.
We made fun of glazes tv stand in jest…no harm intended..even hearne laughed it off. You really need
to chill out girl. You’re way too tense. Maybe catch glaze at 4am…he’ll cure anything that ails ya.
Also…rrrrrooooobbbbbbeeeeeerrrrrrttttttooooooooooooeeeee is still avaialbe!
My diagnosis is…
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
You are gaining friends and popularity on this site at a fast pace. I will not even respond to your strange answer. No one likes you anymore. You are a hater and that sums it up. Nothing else to say. You are the one who needs to get a life because you obviously are mad at the world. As far as Robertoe goes leave him alone too. Shut up about it.
Great Thing To Wake Up Too
Sharp car, love the photos brother. Thanks
You are 60 and STILL
don’t own a house. WoW that is sad….. Hope things get better for you Craig. You know Hugh Hefner has a house.
Bubba Genius
One I do own a home moron. The condo which is one of the nicest in this city is nearly half a million dollars, a three bedroom job, with lots of extras…thanks for your concern….I am not 60 we all know I am 58, even the KC Star had me at 57…so lets see guy who is some other hater with a fake name part 9…..I’m sure I live a TON BETTER THAN YOU…p.s. I also have a couple of ok cars to boot. I wouldn’t worry about me, I’d find a job son, so you can get off welfare…bye.
Your narcissitic remarks speak of your low self-esteem and lack of self-respect. You need counseling but it will only help if you quit lying to yourself. Group sessions would be a good fit for you.
Oh, and your new tag line reeks of helplessness.
You responded but DID NOT DENY
the plastic surgery charges. No explanation for those chest scars huh? Thanks for confirming.
When You Are A Somebody!
Dr. Feelgood, since you are so into couseling, you go get some and report back hows that? OK. Good. Don’t worry about me, worry about you and your little pathetic life. I have high self esteem and much self respect, have no clue what you are talking about, neither does anyone else. So get off the sofa, find work, call a girl, sorry a hooker for you, and find something constuctive to do….bye. Oh my catchline: LISTEN, LEARN, WRITE IT DOWN…there you go.
Bobby Buddie
I have no chest scars, maybe the photo from a cell phone cam, made it look that way, who knows….sorry to upset your little brain, dude, did you think I had chest implants? WTF. I do like the idea of shaving my chest, someone, I think Harley wrote, good idea, I might really try that, he’s right young girls like no hair, I did that with my arms, they like that…and below the belt, worked well…Harley for once you hit on something, yes I’ll try it….good call….Bobby find an old cat to kick, huh…bye.
The young boy – 18 – didn’t observe anything. Craig sent him out to the car to wait and when he came back in to use the bathroom sent them all home. Geez, some of you guyz need to maybe take notes while you’re reading so you can keep this stuff straight
You have no clue as to what to what I’m talking about because you are in denial. Your fifth grade comebacks and rants show that you are stunted emotionally. So sad, so sad.
Why So Negitive?
All I can say is this, Craig tried to give you readers some advice on anti’aging. Seems he meant well. Yes he showed you his new car and a girl or two, but its kinda fun. I know Craig, I don’t see him as strange in any way. In my dealings with Craig and Jeff, they are both pretty nice guys. I really don’t think Craig needs any treatment more than you or I would. Craig is a confident man who is both very funny and can laugh at himself. Having done Johnny Dare with him I can tell you the guy can take it as well as dish it out. I just turned 40 so I am thinking of checking into the testosterone program myself. I’ve heard good things from others about using small amounts to improve many areas in ones life. Wish I had a Lotus Craig. Take care.
does hgh make your brain younger?
I ask because this tripe reeks of 19 year old douche baggage. The fact that you equate posting your shirtless pic, and your little pose in front of a car, speaks volumes about your insecurity and need for affirmation. Look at me, look at me. Your comebacks are so childlike it would be a little sad if it wasn’t so funny. People who suffer from low self esteem often mask their insecurity by being obnoxious, ego driven, and seek out attention. You have more issues than tv guide. A few fan boys and comments of dubious origin aside, people are laughing at you. Not with you. A grown man nearing 60 who feels compelled to strip to the waist to silence his detractors is an insecure clown. Live it,.learn it, write it down…clown.
Mark Grow Up Punk
First off, you COMMENT NUTS wanted to see my body…not my idea, remember I WAS FAT…..so there you go….as for the rest its too stupid to comment on so I’ll tell him when he comes in…alright…..I have NOTHING TO PROVE, I live it every day boy! You don’t. bye…
That girl
in the photo is a coke w–re. I had her a few years back and could not get rid of her. He was one of those girls that would say one more one more please!! A beggar. Finally after 3 hours and I was more than done did a Gerald Wilson and punted her away! She was not easy to get rid of!
au contraire mr. horse hair
Nobody asked to see you shirtless Dick head. In one of your insipid posts or inane comments you said you were going to, just to shut up the haters. You might want to start making notes so.you can remember your own bullshit. Maybe you are getting early stage dementia. I guess what I’m saying is live it,.learn it, and in your case write it the fuck down, clown.
everybody knows
glaze is egotistical…he’s into himself…he’s boisterous…he’s loud…he’s a madman…he’s a showman…
we all know that. So if you can’t handle the guy and his personality…just don’t read his column and move
onto the boring mundance cut and paste articles by heanre and the rest of the clown writers.
Glaze aint changing…so if you can’t stand to read his stuff…move onto some other site…
i thinkits interesting to see the comments and they are funny….but if you readers can’t handle what
glaze is about just stop reading his stories and move.
For me…they are not only out of the box but also controversial…and what reader on this site isn’t looking
for a good argument.
he is what he is. You’re not going to change the guy with an insult. So either stop or move on.
you actually read the article?
You actually thinks its normal to post shirtless pictures of yourself on a site that is primarily visited by men (yes I know that will cause a Hearne response). You don’t consider that strange behavior in any way?
Haters Wanna Hate…
Same ole story Craig. Part of the game, playa. xoxo
I like him still
Overall Thanks For Your Input
T, Mermaid, Maureen, Harlow, Harley and a few more, thanks for the decent words, all the haters, LISTEN, LEARN, WRITE IT DOWN…have a great Thanksgiving all of you….!
Which is another way
of me thanking myself as I’m at least half of these people.