It’s not often the No.1 morning radio host gets upstaged…
But it happened last week when Johnny Dare had local media phenom Chocolate Becky on as his guest. OMG, she rocked the house big time. So much so, Dare’s considering her as the replacement for recently departed Kari Coogan.
Not so fast.
More likely Becky will get her own segment once a week or more. Why?
"You have to be good at reading the news and do alot of homework," Dare says. "And that’s a bit tough for someone who’s never done that. But oh yeah, we want her."
So who is Chocolate Becky, for God’s sake?
I’ll tell you. Months ago I started sending Dare the PHONE MESSAGES she leaves on my answering machine at home. Because they’re so damn mean they’re funny. Then Johnny started playing them on air.
"Pick up the phone, BITCH," Becky would yell. "I hate you, you old man, you little dick bitch. Where’s my check for the car? You promised to leave it under the rug. That’s why I hate you, YOU ALWAYS SELFISH BASTARD!"
Becky is a 27 year old, sometimes-employed school librarian. She’s is hot, black and has a tattoo just above her butt that reads, TASTE THE CHOCOLATE. I kid you not. She’s well-dressed, but has a mouth like a hood rat. Though she really isn’t. In fact, she is really is a very nice girl.
Becky gets pissed at me because I’ve been seeing her off and on for years, but won’t make her my main girlfriend.
She’s aware of the other girls seeing me, and is mad about it. Although she accepts it. Grudgingly.
She did admit that she loves "Craig" on Dare’s show, but then added, "I think his balls may be bigger than his dick."
That’s just how black girls talk to white guys sometimes. The hip-hop girls. She’s left about 30 messages so far and Dare has played them all. However, she was not aware of this until recently.
In fact, Johnny’s producer stitched together a song called LITTLE DICK BITCH which plays weekly sometimes daily on 98.9 The Rock. It’ss now known by well over 100,000 Kansas Citians. I even go to Quick Trip and the guy there will say, "Are you LDB?" Meaning little dick bitch. They say it in jest – I hope. Talk about me being thick skinned. There you go.
Dare’s been busy with Bikers For Babies. Even in the rain this year it drew more than 4,000 riders and raised over $500,000 for the March of Dimes. It’s now the biggest bike ride for charity in the nation. Dare also recently signed a FIVE YEAR contract with the station, so he isn’t leaving KC anytime soon. These are tough times for radio personalities and precious few get the attention or respect – let along big contracts – like Johnny Dare. Not anymore.
So finding a hot, new segment only makes things that much more fun: AT MY EXPENSE, NATURALLY. Oh well, it’s damn funny.
If you would like to hear the phone calls, listen to the song, or see the "LITTLE DICK BITCH CARTOON SONG," go to The song is to the Beach Boys tune, LITTLE DEUCE COUPE.
Enjoy, then catch Chocolate Becky, me and more on Dare from 6-10 AM weekdays, with replays Saturday mornings.
Sad…..U think fat girls are hot and this explains why u go off on people….u do roids. Age gracefully.
Dumb Ass Can’t Say
I’m sure you knew that the photo Hearne put up is not of Chocolate Becky, she is a hot dish, 27 and weighs uh, 99 pounds…but you knew that you jealous ass wipe. The roids don’t make me mad, ass holes like you do. By the way, I get more hot girls at my age then ANYONE in this city brother, a fact….so be mad at that punk wade jerk.
More Dumb Ass Can’t Say
P.S. the girl, the black girl in the photo is our head sever, she is from Africa, an A plus college student, grad student, and runs our of the best employees I’ve ever had….happy now racist pig.
glaze just went down on the meter…
you post a hottie with her ass over your outdated fake leather sofa and now you post a photo of three shall I say
overweight-challenged sista’s. You’ve lost my vote. I hav e no more confidence in you to handle the hotties.
Wow…the black girl is chocolate…as in high calorie chocolate.
The other girls…well i’ll just say there are below average.
Truth is glaze is i don’t think you get all the action you make people b elive. Sorry but i’m calling you on this
one. I think the hot ones hang out with you when they don’t have a boyfriend…you’re like their gay friend..
the guy who they hang with when theyain’t got no dick.
Maureen said goodbye when she got raymond…then came back when she found out he was porking her
good friend.
So don’t try to pull the “wool” over our eyes…i’m thinking you’re just the guy the girls like when they can get
something for free (I call them mooches)..or when they need attention they come to you because you haven’t
got a steady and they know they can mooch off you for a while til they get a hot boyfriend.
Sorry….your public persona is falling apart. You’re supposed to be the stud…no I’m thinking you might be
hanging with chuck on saturday nights watching videos and eating pizza.
And the black chicks…they really tarnish your image. Get away from tyhem. No good woman wants to be with
a guy who has slept with all those black girls….
You need to rebuild your image…its taking huge hits every day.
Love ya and your new writing…but dude…you’re sliding down the scale of hotness in kc…you need to move
up to some classy bitches…and don’t be caught with these fugly ones.
Also,,,tghe sunglasses during the day has got to go…it hides the aging under your eyes…but hell…we’re all
getting’re 60…so be proud of your aging process…..
Good luck…maybe get with maureen…she needs some new guy…or where’s mermaid…you can’t pass up those
girls and go for the skanks you’re posting on here….
Make all us commenters here at kcc proud…you’re our mentor…our hero…now go get some really good puss
and make sure to post their photos….
One Harley you are just trying to get me to go off boy, you know Hearne posted a facebook photo of some waitresses I just explained that, maybe he did it on purpose cause the photo I sent was riske, don’t know…Becky is pretty hot…by the way the little one in there Dannie is a well built little gal, all of 19…just a bad photo, makes her look big cause she is so little with that dumb hat…
As far as women, I don’t have to say anything….thats a known fact….again like saying, “I don’t know if Montana is that good really..” like that, I have nothing to prove. I can compete with ANY Hollywood star over 45, save Brad Pitt and Depp, I don’t think Cruise cares..hah…in KC I have no equal, nobody is close, NOBODY. Truth be known, I have to hide some days to avoid calls from all the different ladies/girls who drive me nuts to go out and do all the wild stuff….I swear on my mom…its a tough life someone has to do it….but Harley and Can’t say guy you already knew this, just want to start shit.
sorry glaze…thought the black girl was
chocolate betty/ From now on when you post a photo be sure to identify in caption who everyone is.
Especially the one withthe tramp stamp leaning over your leather sofa. whats that girls name?
And shes not a sever…she’s a server…and i apoligize for mistaking her for cholate bettey…
so post a photo of chocolate betty so we can see if she’s any better than the “head sever” ffrom
africa. Although I heard in africa they sever heads in those civil wars in uganda and nigeria and
ethiopia. Saw about 1000 “heads severed’ in a national geographic article photo from africa.
not a pretty site.
I sent Hearne the photo
I sent it to him, don’t know why he didn’t use it, kinda naughty, but we’ve had worse on here…maybe it was a bit fuzzy, Hearne post it anyways you have our permission….post Becky….the girl in the other photo is Jessica, have dated her off and on since she was 18, back then she did work at Westport Stanfords, she is into body building now and nearing 30…..she went with me to my High School Reunion that night, lots of fun, she was quite the attraction, shd did behave well there, though.
stop glaze…
you look like a fool….you can’t compete with anyone…maybe in kc (a small pond) but not in the big party towns
like la and vegas.
stop…your ego is just too big. Stop…you’re on a roll…take the high road…get some hotties and stick with them..
not bed jumping…then we’ll knw how really studly you are.
til then…keep on writing about poontang and pigskins (football…not those ladies)
and learn to smile a bitwheen you get some heat.
I’mwating for your picks this week…have a feeling you might get wacked this week…
if you do…be prepared for the onlsaught on monday…it won’t be pretty…and take a
few chances with some dogs this week…we all can pick the teams supposed to win..
also…fact…this year has had the fewest upsets in college and pro ball ever…actually in the
last 15 years…no upsets…the top teams aren’t being upset….that makes your job easier…
but the lines will change to take that into account.
You’re sticking your pen in the company ink well
you give these girls jobs at your club and then you jump ’em. Great idea…but it can come back to
burn you with a lawsuit…gotta be careful glaze….
As far as the girl jessica…half your age…took her to class reunion…come on glaze…you can do better..
you’re ruining your image…is that the best the hottest wool magnet in kc can do? I hope not.
I’ll take anything
Mr. Glazer: I’ll take anything. Chocolate Betty. Vanilla Vanna. Butterscotch Barbie. Rocky Road Ronda. I don’t care! ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I HAD ANY THAT I’M STARVING FOR A WOMAN. Help me!
Know What Chuck I Am Going To Do That
Give me a couple days and I will get someone to come hang with you…not a hooker just a fun gal….lets see how it goes, no payment, nothing, just a friend to come hang…let me find the right gal. OK? Ok…you are a good guy I can tell…you deserve a nice night out.
So you confirm
u do take roids. Dude have u seen the lines on your face. I could park a car there.
Pussy There Are No Lines, Except On Your Mommies Gut
Go find a dogfight to watch huh. If you looked one tenth as good as me, you could stop jacking off in mental class..
you date this girl for 12 years…she’s now 29…that means she was 17 when you started with her.
You’re now 60…meaning you were 48 when the affair started.
A 48 year old dating a 17 year old? Is something wrong with this picture?
We do smartman/rick/just say and hearne have to say about this? I’m speechless!
Thanks Mr. Glazer! I prefer chocolate women
thanks so much for the offer. But to be truthful to you I do prefer women of color. It’s something about their hands that really turns me on. And they can cook fried chicken and grits like my grandmother used to do.
Maybe we can double date. You can take Black Barbie and I can take Chocolate Betty. We could start off with dinner (I’ll pick up the tab provided its not more than $70 for all 4 of us) then go to that lounge at 83rd and Troost to dance. I learned how to dance in high school while watching James Brown sing “I Feel Good” so I won’t embarrass myself.
Maybe later we can go get some bar b q and head to my house and go play video games in my mom’s basement.
She wouldn’t bother us so that would be fun. I have the new game “Obama’s Your Mama” which I’m sure will be real popular
with our dates.
Sounds like a really fun time. Thanks. If there’s ever anything I can do for you contact me.
Your friend
Is it just me or does Glaze seem really angry since a new sports guy was hired?
I’ve been playin golf all day.
Those are NOT my comments.
They are Harley’s idea of a joke.
Harley’s lack of originality leads him to imitation. This is probably what we can expect from a guy with an IQof 88.
I have sent Harley’s comments to the Education Dept at UMKC. I have a prof friend down there, he and another Prof checked out some comments from Harley and peg his IQ at 88.
So, he is pretty much maxin out with all that stream of consciousness bullshit that shifts from adoration and adulation to criticism and contempt.
Jesus, his rhetoric is all over the galaxy.
He really was the kid you saw waving at ya from the short bus.
“I’ll take anything
chuck 05:40:58 PM – Tue. Sep 20. 2011
Mr. Glazer: I’ll take anything. Chocolate Betty. Vanilla Vanna. Butterscotch Barbie. Rocky Road Ronda. I don’t care! ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I HAD ANY THAT I’M STARVING FOR A WOMAN. Help me!”
I have a sweet girl I have lived with for 10 years. She is the best for puttin up with my ass.
However, I really appreciate the offer.
Were I a younger man, and didn’t look like I just did Chemotherapy, I would sure as hell like to hang with the pros.
Those times have come and gone for me, but thanks!!
Still have the drink with any of you guys!
I like how Harley, during the B Euston posts, wal all
Rainbowed the fuck out, but when he feels any pressure, he sounds like the fuckin Imperial Wizard he is at heart. I mean check this shit out.
Thanks Mr. Glazer! I prefer chocolate women
chuck 08:20:23 PM – Tue. Sep 20. 2011
thanks so much for the offer. But to be truthful to you I do prefer women of color. It’s something about their hands that really turns me on. And they can cook fried chicken and grits like my grandmother used to do.
Maybe we can double date. You can take Black Barbie and I can take Chocolate Betty. We could start off with dinner (I’ll pick up the tab provided its not more than $70 for all 4 of us) then go to that lounge at 83rd and Troost to dance. I learned how to dance in high school while watching James Brown sing “I Feel Good” so I won’t embarrass myself.
Maybe later we can go get some bar b q and head to my house and go play video games in my mom’s basement.
She wouldn’t bother us so that would be fun. I have the new game “Obama’s Your Mama” which I’m sure will be real popular
with our dates.
Sounds like a really fun time. Thanks. If there’s ever anything I can do for you contact me.
Your friend
Harley is as full of shit as the fried chicken racist insults he makes.
What a fuckin hypocrite.
Not to mention, really reachin deep for the insults.
Fried chicken?
The only thing he missed is a Watermelon reference.
Just eviscerating Mr. 88
88, heh, heh…
I’ve been playin golf all day.
chuck 09:14:55 PM – Tue. Sep 20. 2011
Those are NOT my comments.
They are Harley’s idea of a joke.
Harley’s lack of originality leads him to imitation. This is probably what we can expect from a guy with an IQof 88.
I have sent Harley’s comments to the Education Dept at UMKC. I have a prof friend down there, he and another Prof checked out some comments from Harley and peg his IQ at 88.
So, he is pretty much maxin out with all that stream of consciousness bullshit that shifts from adoration and adulation to criticism and contempt.
Jesus, his rhetoric is all over the galaxy.
He really was the kid you saw waving at ya from the short bus.
Smokin Hot Black Girl
I’d do her. With you of course.
It’s you
Hey, Wild Man,
Didn’t have the pic of Choc Becky until later. The other was a space holder only. Check out the cholocolate one now
Dear Harley (JoJo)
Thanks for the advise–
“You’re sticking your pen in the company ink well
you give these girls jobs at your club and then you jump ’em. Great idea…but it can come back to
burn you with a lawsuit…gotta be careful glaze….
As far as the girl jessica…half your age…took her to class reunion…come on glaze…you can do better..
you’re ruining your image…is that the best the hottest wool magnet in kc can do? I hope not.”
But I think getting instructions from a guy who has a “Safe Word” with his mother is pretty creepy too.
“Wool Magnet???”
Jesus, “Wool Magnet”.
Goddamn your creepy.
Good Points Harley/Chuck
No today sex at work is like a DUI. Both have been escalated to Heroin busts or murder charges. 90% or more of these civil cases on sexual H at work are just for money. We did have one about 12 years ago at Stanfords in Westport. A former stripper/mother of five from four different husbands, was offended by things going on in comedy, like language. She also said me, my brother and 89 year old grand pa chased her around the building a couple times. Of course no witness, no proof, all b.s. just a hooker with a dream. She found a lawyer, what a shcok, to take the case. Asked for 250,000 they later found out we didn’t carry “sexual hooker insurance” so they got softer..we interviewed 20 witnesses at work all said she was a known liar on and on, found phtoto or her having sex with some gals, recent at the time…we won, but had to pay our lawyer 5,000 so pain in the ass….so yeah I am aware of such things……today I almost never date employees, in the last year I have gone out with two. BOTH SIGNED sheets saying it was ok, when they started work, if it was with their permission….yeah these days we have papers signed when you join up about language, dating, so on, if there is an issue they need to bring it to management first, then our owners, then on and on….my dates were with one ex employee and one who gave notice…still you have to be careful….no the girls in these photos are not employees, one of them worked there more than a decade ago…so doesn’t apply. Harley I didn’t do the math, lets see if its Becky and I am in my mid 50’s not 60, and it was 10 years ago, yeah she was about 18 or so, and I was 45, but we didn’t have sex until more recently…she was a bit too young even for me back then, well, she said no..hah….as for the other girl, she was 19 at the time, all legal…see, happy…good.
Taste The Chocolate Baby
Sweet ass. I can make out the tats. This is why I love this site, all the hot girls and not from another website, girls in action. We love it bro. She has an ass that wants to find me.
Stop lying about your age…
you are not 55…stop lying…you’re almost if not exactly 60…post your drivers license on here.
Why lie about your age. You seem to be agin pretty gracefully….but with out the bad hair piece…
you’re probably more bald than chuck.
You can pass for someone about 50…but you went to your class reunion and we know when you
graducated from high school so stop the lies.
Take the sunglasses off and you look look 60…most commenters agree with that.
Don’t be afraid of growing old…its okay…you stil look pretty good for your age..but several
people said you look old with the wrinkles and lines.
Regardless of how old you are…and you are not 55…you still have some spunk in ya. You have to take
the steroids which means you’re t levels are falling off which happens when you reach 60.
Still theres a creepy problem here glaze…you’re dating a high school girl when you can join aarp.
Release yourself…admit you’re getting old. I workout 4 times a week at lifetime…I wear a size
32 jean….i feel great without the steroids..and i could still get the hottest pussy if i didnt have
a girlfriend.
Its okay…you still got 2 years til social security. You’ve been caught not telling the truth before..
now why hide the fact of your age…
relax…as you get older you get wiser…its all about life….
as far as the new black girls photo…I would never do that girl. For some reason I get the idea shes
a hooker. the pants give it away. and anyone that poses for such cheesy pictures is not someone i would
date or sleep with. Maybe chuck would since he’s hardup. But i prefer classy…articulate…successful
women…not some girl you pick off the street and poses for such chessy low rent photos like that.
She does have a nice ass…give credit where credit is due…
is that black girls hair real?
it doesnt look real. did she get her hair piece at the smae place you got yours?
Don’t fret…we all grow old…its life…be happy…you are doing it with a good attitude but
don’t hid it…be proud of your age…no matter what others say you are doing it better than
99.9% of men 60 and older….
good yuntif.
Its Good Yontif
Went To East With Glazer
Harley sorry to upset you this morning. Craig is maybe 57, he is not 60. Sorry. Don’t know about steroids.
I Listened To Her On Dare
Becky was the absolute funniest thing on radio I have ever heard. “He calls me nigger in bed” and “I kinda like it” first off Johnny tip of the hat to you for allowing that to go out, people where I work even talked about how funny and out there that one was. Dare you and Glazer are by far the funniest thing on Kansas City radio. No question. I wait to hear you two. Becky is a scream. Keep it up my friend. Glad to hear you will be with us for years to come, congrats.
I’m Black, I Loved It
She is wicked Johnny. I want more Chocolate, PLEASE. I love her banging on Glazer, my boys check in just to her that thing. Song is dope too. I listen to you now as much as 103, thats why, you are a funny MF.
stuart bodker..wrong..
the guys 59 or 60…looks 50…leave it at that….graduated at least in 71 or 70…thats a fact….
have the guy post his drivers license…makes no difference…he’s aging gracefully with the
sterioids…better watch his prostrate…those drugs can kill.
If Glazer Looks 50 I Look 90
I saw him at his club, wowie, handsome boy. Yes he is, and at most looks early 40’s if that. His body is a big plus for sure. His face is still young, wasn’t up too close. Went to say hi and he was gone. Next time Craig. Yes love Becky on Johnny Dare what a funny black lady. Nice tush.
Craig this song is about you,
Your so vain…………your so vain. You probably think this song is about you you’re so vain.
Yes Harlow looks 90 and even with the Botox Craig has lines.
Craig be proud of your lines. Stop trying to deny them. And you are not the hottest over 50 man in KC. Though you put the most work into trying to look 20. But that’s because Your so vain. Your so vain.
Now please write yourself a letter to say how great you are. Cowboy hasn’t posted yet.
And my guess is their is a reason we don’t see that child’s face..Yuck
Steroids among some recreational things. But what B Barbie tells me its scribe medication that he is most dependent on.
Hey Craig I got a question for you: WHO GIVES A FUCK
This article
…reminds me of why I don’t listen to the radio. Terrestrial radio anyway. Too many other choices than hearing a stupid ahole sing “little white titty bitch” while the syncophants fall all over themselves and yak it up worse than effing Bob and Tom. Yeah, Dare’s a legend and so is Craig to the 9% percent of people that listen to the radio while the other 91% of us find something worthy to do.
Go see Steve Earle. This is the best he’s sounded in years.
Glaze did u mean?
Mental class or metal class. We know u can’t spell so just want to confirm. Also we know u know nothing about any sort of class. Seems like not to many people are fond of you on this site. Harley says you are a liar…what a SHOCKER!!! I know its not you we are just all haters of the great Glazer. Speaking of glaze isn’t that what I put in your hair when you do me to make it shiny?
Craig lies so much he can’t even keep the lies straight. The original photo featured Glazer with three females. A fat black one and two white girls. Tuesday at 5:15 Glazer claimed the black gal was from Africa and “our best server”.
Today at 7:41 AM he says none of the girls are employees but one worked there a decade ago. Meaning that he lied yesterday when he gave his all this BS about her being his server and the head of the girls. And we also now know the photo must be at least ten years old.
Craig write your lies down so you can keep track of them. Or at least reread what you have previously posted so your lies aren’t so apparent.
Glazer a liar???
You just now figured that out. Glazer exposed coming….
Can’t Say
Moron, those are employees not girls I date. The photo is several weeks old, I think Hearne took it, there are no lies. Often opinions, but no lies, thanks for caring.
Often opinions?
Often opinions. My guess…man who calls ME moron, you meant to write offer opinions. You are a dipshit.
Hey Rick, don’t give up the ship!
Talked to Craig this afternoon and he’s looking forward to your “expose”
Didn’t give up the ship
just gave up on one person.
Of course he was looking forward to the expose. Just as:
1-After being found not guilty in the criminal trial OJ created a 1 800 line because he wanted to find “the real killer”. The real killer was never found but OJ found some missing memorabilia which landed him in prison.
2-Casey Anthony had the police looking for months for the “nanny” who took her child. Turns out she had dumped her own dead kid.
3-Roger Clemens vehemently denied before Congress ever using any performance enhancing drugs. Then was indicted for lying.
4-Pete Rose for literally decades stated he never bet on baseball. Only to reveal in a book that he did indeed bet on baseball.
5-President Clinton never had “sex with that woman”. Only to admit that he had sex with that woman along with many others.
The moral of the story is often people will state they have nothing to hide, they look forward to their day in court, and things of this nature. Only for us to learn that they had lied and they were foolish enough to continue the lie even when it was beneficial for them not to.
Facts are often easy to check. Especially in the computer age. If you work for the government then you’ll be issued a check(we’ve heard in the last few days about the $14.00 muffin). Heck now often a person’s criminal record is posted .A simple check of attorney general offices or KBI can yield interesting results.
My guess is a lot of husbands don’t really want to know if their wife is cheating. Plausible deny-ability. My guess is if one ran a web site and the primary motivator for traffic was a liar it might not be in anyone’s best interest to confirm or deny that.
My guess is you often say to yourself….”I wonder if it was the right move talking Rick into coming back.” ha ha
My guess is
My guess is you guess a lot. Sorry Rick couldn’t help myself. You set yourself up for that one. Throw the pitch and I’ll hit it out of the park.
That being said. U nailed Craig and everyone with an IQ over 45 knows it. The guy brags about being a con man and then we act stunned that he has conned us. What is the famous quote? If it looks like a snake, moves like a snake, bits like a snake….it most likely is a snake.
also did u notice
how i caught him in another lie. At 7:41 on sept 21st he says “no the girls in the photos aren’t employees, one worked there over a decade ago. Ahhh….wouldn’t that make her an employee? Then on the same date at 2:35 he calls me a moron and says “The girls are employees not girls I date.” DUH dumb lying fuck. They are either employees or not. But because he lies so much even he isn’t sure.