Ned Yost, 810 AM
GH: I heard the Royals’ manager utter these words live on Sports Radio 810 as I flipped on my car radio while dodging ominous thunderstorm clouds moving in swiftly from the southwest about 4:30 PM Thursday. Did he just say Eric Hosmer is comin’? I cranked the volume knob into double digits and smiled as my pulse and imagination began to run wild.
“Homers called up.”
Joel Goldberg, FSRoyals sideline reporter, Twitter
GH: Goldberg later corrected his misspelled tweet but I kinda liked the original version.
Joel Goldberg, FSRoyals sideline reporter, Twitter
GH: Goldberg later corrected his misspelled tweet but I kinda liked the original version.
“The kid can hit. The kid’s gonna be a superb player in the American League.”
Ned Yost, 810 AM
GH: Not all Royals’ fans know Hosmer or what this means. Some have stopped me today and asked why my Twitter tweets have been so effusive about the Royals bringing up a rookie for his first look at big-league pitching. What has me so jacked up is that this move is so un-Royals like. The David Glass-owned Royals never go for it. They always do what’s right for the pocketbook. Winning has always been secondary – if that. This move is what real teams in real pennant races do. Damn right I’m jacked!
Ned Yost, 810 AM
GH: Not all Royals’ fans know Hosmer or what this means. Some have stopped me today and asked why my Twitter tweets have been so effusive about the Royals bringing up a rookie for his first look at big-league pitching. What has me so jacked up is that this move is so un-Royals like. The David Glass-owned Royals never go for it. They always do what’s right for the pocketbook. Winning has always been secondary – if that. This move is what real teams in real pennant races do. Damn right I’m jacked!
“Third evaluator on Hosmer: ‘Prodigious power potential offensively and cat- like quickness patrolling 1st base defensively.’”
Buster Olney, ESPN MLB analyst, Twitter
Buster Olney, ESPN MLB analyst, Twitter
“Super 2 be damned!”
Steven St. John, 810 AM
GH: By bringing up Hosmer now, the move could cost the Royals a few more million sooner rather than later. This is why no one thought we would see any of the Royals’ young prospect before June. With a total payroll this season around $36 million, it sure is encouraging to see the Royals do something that might not make monetary sense in the long run.
Steven St. John, 810 AM
GH: By bringing up Hosmer now, the move could cost the Royals a few more million sooner rather than later. This is why no one thought we would see any of the Royals’ young prospect before June. With a total payroll this season around $36 million, it sure is encouraging to see the Royals do something that might not make monetary sense in the long run.
“For all the excitement about Hosmer’s call-up, don’t miss the key point: the Royals are going for it now. You know what? I don’t blame them.”
Rany Jazayerli, of RanyontheRoyals.com, Twitter
Rany Jazayerli, of RanyontheRoyals.com, Twitter
“This is a very important message to the fans. Making the move to bring up Hosmer now is a gigantic message to the fans that we’re about to take a shot at this thing this year!”
Kevin Kietzman, 810 AM
GH: Amen. This is the biggest take away from this move – the Royals think they have a shot to win the ALC THIS season. Kila was killing them at first base and Hosmer was hitting like Mike Tyson in Omaha. As easy as the move appears on the outside, it is a move the Royals have almost always chosen not to make in the past. Not everyone agrees. Read on.
Kevin Kietzman, 810 AM
GH: Amen. This is the biggest take away from this move – the Royals think they have a shot to win the ALC THIS season. Kila was killing them at first base and Hosmer was hitting like Mike Tyson in Omaha. As easy as the move appears on the outside, it is a move the Royals have almost always chosen not to make in the past. Not everyone agrees. Read on.
“I don’t know how much that plays into it. Even if the Royals had only won 10 games I think they would have been forced to bring up Eric Hosmer. I guess you could factor in partially that the Royals are playing well.”
Robert Ford, when asked Nick Wright if this move signifies that the Royals are now in it to win it, 610 AM
GH: I could not disagree with Ford more. But there are a number of problems I have with 610 Sports coverage of the breaking news on Hosmer’s promotion. The first being they missed having it live on their radio station. Read on.
Robert Ford, when asked Nick Wright if this move signifies that the Royals are now in it to win it, 610 AM
GH: I could not disagree with Ford more. But there are a number of problems I have with 610 Sports coverage of the breaking news on Hosmer’s promotion. The first being they missed having it live on their radio station. Read on.
“You heard it exclusively live right here on Sports Radio 810. We got it first and we got it live!”
Kevin Kietzman, 810 AM
GH: KK dropped this liner a number of times following Ned Yost’s postgame presser where he announced to the media Hosmer was on his way to KC and would be starting at first base on Friday. He was able to do this since 610, the flagship station of the Royals, were again saddled with a contract that forces them to air the Royals’ commercial-filled crapola network postgame show. I switched over to 610 a half dozen times during Yost’s presser and each time I was greeted with a different commercial. While 810 broke the news to Kansas City that Hosmer was on his way, 610 was selling us another reason to hire our local metal workers’ union laborers.
Kevin Kietzman, 810 AM
GH: KK dropped this liner a number of times following Ned Yost’s postgame presser where he announced to the media Hosmer was on his way to KC and would be starting at first base on Friday. He was able to do this since 610, the flagship station of the Royals, were again saddled with a contract that forces them to air the Royals’ commercial-filled crapola network postgame show. I switched over to 610 a half dozen times during Yost’s presser and each time I was greeted with a different commercial. While 810 broke the news to Kansas City that Hosmer was on his way, 610 was selling us another reason to hire our local metal workers’ union laborers.
“If the guy’s called up today, Robert, can we expect to see him play tomorrow?”
Nick Wright, to Robert Ford, on 610’s Royals’ postgame show, 610 AM
GH: Ouch. Wright is supposed to be 610 Sports lead sports talk analyst, commentator and personality. When he asks for information the majority of his audience knows, he loses credibility…and listeners…and ratings. I guess things could be going worse for 610 Sports but I’m not sure how.
Nick Wright, to Robert Ford, on 610’s Royals’ postgame show, 610 AM
GH: Ouch. Wright is supposed to be 610 Sports lead sports talk analyst, commentator and personality. When he asks for information the majority of his audience knows, he loses credibility…and listeners…and ratings. I guess things could be going worse for 610 Sports but I’m not sure how.
“The Cardinals beat the Marlins 6-3.”
Robert Ford, at 5:03 PM Thursday on 610 Sports
GH: I intentionally tuned into 610 Sports to hear how they would debut their 5:00 PM hour. People were just getting into their cars from work and many probably unaware of the shocking news that Hoss was on his way. I got Robert Ford reading me MLB scores. It is almost as if Kevin Kietzman is pulling the strings at 610. I guess things could be going worse for 610 Sports but I’m not sure how.
Robert Ford, at 5:03 PM Thursday on 610 Sports
GH: I intentionally tuned into 610 Sports to hear how they would debut their 5:00 PM hour. People were just getting into their cars from work and many probably unaware of the shocking news that Hoss was on his way. I got Robert Ford reading me MLB scores. It is almost as if Kevin Kietzman is pulling the strings at 610. I guess things could be going worse for 610 Sports but I’m not sure how.
“I think he’ll back behind Butler and in front of Francoeur. That way you give Butler some protection and protect Hosmer at the same time. Nobody in the league is hitting better than Francoeur right now. It’s a lot easier to hit when they have to pitch to you.”
George Brett, in an interview with Bob Fescoe, 610 AM
GH: Yost will post his lineup soon and it will be interesting to see where he bats Hosmer. I like Brett’s idea of protecting the rookie with Francoeur. This team was fun to follow before Hosmer. Now they’re gotta-see stuff.
George Brett, in an interview with Bob Fescoe, 610 AM
GH: Yost will post his lineup soon and it will be interesting to see where he bats Hosmer. I like Brett’s idea of protecting the rookie with Francoeur. This team was fun to follow before Hosmer. Now they’re gotta-see stuff.
“I’ve described him as having Gold-Glove caliber potential at first base. He moves well around the bag and is extremely athletic.”
Robert Ford, 610 AM
GH: When was the last time we had an athletic first basemen in his prime? Wally Joiner was smooth but well past ripe. The Royals have typically tossed any large, soft-bodied catcher-like human down at first and simply hoped booted ground ball didn’t ricochet too far from the bag. To have a defensive stopper with a .439 batting average at first is the stuff pennant races are made of.
Robert Ford, 610 AM
GH: When was the last time we had an athletic first basemen in his prime? Wally Joiner was smooth but well past ripe. The Royals have typically tossed any large, soft-bodied catcher-like human down at first and simply hoped booted ground ball didn’t ricochet too far from the bag. To have a defensive stopper with a .439 batting average at first is the stuff pennant races are made of.
“There’s plenty more on the way. Mike Montgomery will probably be up soon, followed by Danny Duffy, strengthening a rotation that happens to be this team’s biggest current need.”
Sam Mellinger, Kansas City Star
GH: Some fans are contacting me and they are withholding their excitement over the Royals until the starting rotation is fixed. Understandable. But I choose to take the plunge now and risk drowning in a big blue sea.
Sam Mellinger, Kansas City Star
GH: Some fans are contacting me and they are withholding their excitement over the Royals until the starting rotation is fixed. Understandable. But I choose to take the plunge now and risk drowning in a big blue sea.
“Don’t count on the kid to come in and save this team. … That being said, there are guys who come up and immediately rake and make a significant impact. While I caution Royals fans to not expect that, it sure as hell is overdue.”
Soren Petro, 810 AM
Soren Petro, 810 AM
“We’re not blowing this up quite as big as you but I will tell you that as you drive past on I-70 you will see that we have replaced the KC (on the back of the video board) with EH.”
Toby Cook, Royals VP, in an interview with Bob Fescoe, 610 AM
GH: Cook of course was kidding but it is great to hear some childish glee coming from inside the Royals camp. We all deserve some good days and this is one of the better ones.
Toby Cook, Royals VP, in an interview with Bob Fescoe, 610 AM
GH: Cook of course was kidding but it is great to hear some childish glee coming from inside the Royals camp. We all deserve some good days and this is one of the better ones.
“This could be a pretty significant walk-up (crowd) for tonight. We’re going to have all the ticket windows available but if we get in the range of 10,000 people it’s hard to get out of your car and into the game in time.”
Toby Cook, 610 AM
GH: Anybody who has ever bought a walk-up ticket at a crowded Royals’ game knows how painfully slow those ticket lines move outside The K. I swear the Royals have adopted Wal-Mart’s weekend checkout strategy – keep them in line long enough and they’ll buy some more of this crap we’ve surrounded them with. But your ticket online and print it out at work or home. Going to the game w/o a ticket tonight will be a nightmare. I will be at my son’s Big 6 Conference track meet in Blue Springs so I’ll be relying on Denny and Davis to paint the picture of Hosmer Night at The K … Oh yeah, and Twitter.
Toby Cook, 610 AM
GH: Anybody who has ever bought a walk-up ticket at a crowded Royals’ game knows how painfully slow those ticket lines move outside The K. I swear the Royals have adopted Wal-Mart’s weekend checkout strategy – keep them in line long enough and they’ll buy some more of this crap we’ve surrounded them with. But your ticket online and print it out at work or home. Going to the game w/o a ticket tonight will be a nightmare. I will be at my son’s Big 6 Conference track meet in Blue Springs so I’ll be relying on Denny and Davis to paint the picture of Hosmer Night at The K … Oh yeah, and Twitter.
GregHall24@yahoo.com and Twitter / greghall24
Good stuff, Greg! Nice follow up to the earlier post
I get the sense that Yost and company all feel like it’s highly unlikely that Hosmer will have any difficulty with the mental transition. If they’re right, he’ll be here to stay. Wish I could make it to the K tonight!
BTW, I, too, was floored when Wright asked Ford,
No Surprise
I’m not sure why anyone would be surprised by Wright’s comments. He has consistently demonstrated over the past several months that his sports insight is shallow and he doesn’t do his homework. Just further evidence of what we already know.
And 610’s continued excuse of contractual obligations is crap. If they wanted to break in to make the announcement, they could. The reality is the guys over there are just tone-deaf. They’re not ready for the breaking story so they don’t know how to react. Regardless, they’re the ones who signed the damn contract. Using that as an excuse only reinforces their incompetence.
Hosmer Simpson?
Better hope you’re wrong with the Mike Tyson comparison. It’s been a long time since Tyson hit anything that mattered well.
Way too much hype on this kid. The ball moves much faster and in many more directions in THE SHOW.
The path back to the smalls is littered with CRUSHERS and ARMS that couldn’t hang with the big boys.
If Hosmer stays in KC for the season he’ll bat around .225.
500 ball is still a stretch for this club.
Stop being such a sissy ass girly homer for the Old Roy-als and write the third part of your BM series about bleeding nipples and sore quads. You are far more interesting than the Royals will ever be as long as David Glass or his family control the team.
Would you like to make a friendly wager on Hosmer’s batting average at season’s end? You mentioned .225 as your over/under and I’ll be willing to give you .235…what do you say? $100? I made a $100 bet with Glazer about a year ago about Nick Wright’s ratings…he’s yet to pay up
Smartman’s right on. I’m going to laugh my ass off when Hosmer goes 0 for 4 with three strikeouts tonight. WAY too much hype for this guy.
Clint Hurdle
How ’bout just once we let the play of the player precede his hype as the savior? Remember Clint Hurdle? You guys sound like KK when KU is getting ready to make a run in the NCAA tournament. The fall is going to be so much harder than if you just let the guy show us what he can do.
I said it once….
And I’ll say it again.
810 scoops 610 once again!
Entercom fold 610 sports now. Let Wigger Wright find a job in Des Moines.
You’re on! He has to finish the season in KC. He has to play in 85% of the remaining games.
You wanna make it for the regular season only or include the playoffs since we’re obviously gonna win it all with this kid?
I will pay if I lose. Nothing worse than someone who can’t settle up on a bet.
Nick Wright DID report Hosmer
FYI….Nick Wright interupted a commercial break with breaking news that Hosmer was coming up. I wasn’t listening to 810, so am not sure by how many minutes 810 beat 610, but it couldn’t have been more than 5 minutes. Wright came on probably 15-20 minutes after the game ended.
It’s too easy to rip Nick Wright. He’s very young. He’s figuring the business out. We’re comparing him to a guy who’s been doing sports in KC for over 20 years. It IS hard deciding which station to listen to. I can get better info on 810 but have to suffer listening to the absolute king of hyperbole. I literally cannot listen to KK more than 5 minutes without getting a very irritated feeling. Not to mention all the time that station spends on shilling for money for various restaurants and products. Wright also easily annoys (when he gets political, his very liberal views are insufferable), but he takes himself WAY less seriously and is quite funny at times, as is the banter with his side-kicks. KK and his sidekicks are not funny. Ever.
C’mon 610. You’re not that far off. Just need a little more consistent commitment to staying on top of KC stories like 810.
Thanks Nick Didn’t know you read this.
Are you kidding? 610 and 810 are so far away from one another that it’s scary. 810 is onboard the Starship Enterprise while 610 is in the Stone age.
I’ve been hearing that 610 is close to beating 810 for years. Guess what it’s not going to happen. But I know, “KK hasen’t beat anyone that gives him good compition.”
Smartman & Olathecat vs. Royals Nation
Let’s see if I understand the terms correctly: Smartman thinks Hosmer will bat about .225 over the course of, say, some 400 ABs and Olathecat affirms that projection by injecting that he’ll for 0 for 4 in his big-league debut. Of course, who can tell what anyone will do in his first game in the Show, but I remember when Will “The Thrill” Clark came up with similar — if not greater — hype and I saw him hit a 1-2 Nolan Ryan heater out of the ‘Dome (no mean feat in its own right). That said, I suspect Hosmer will probably go 1-4 with a bleeder single. It’s one game and doesn’t matter.
As for Hosmer in the long course of his first season, Smartman couldn’t be more at variance with the collective expertise of the baseball world — not just radio yakkers, but outstanding baseball people both within and outside the Royals organization. Hosmer obviously won’t hit .439, but a strong .280 is probably the most reasonable expectation. He’s in a good spot in the order, without the pressure of the 5 hole — where there is a slightly greater chance of coming up with runners on base — and with a hot-hitting Wilson Betemit behind him.
What I think has happened to the likes of Smartman and Olathecat is that they’ve been Gordonized by the plethora of highly-touted Royals busts over the past quarter-century. Actually, the Royals had plenty of ballyhooed prospects who fashioned fine major league careers … just not in Kansas City (I actually think the Royals suffer from the Cone Curse; franchise has not been in the playoffs since Cone was dealt for Ed Hearn in ’86).
Greg is correct in identifying this as a very un-Royals-like move, but on a different level it isn’t. Butler, Gordon and Greinke all came up fast — and with expectations every bit as great as those for Hosmer — and it turned out only one was semi-ready. The big difference will be if a player who had a quick trip through AA-AAA actually experiences immediate success rather than a roller-coaster ride. That the team is playing well now is exactly why the Royals could call up Hosmer; if they’d been doing their usual scuffling, bringing up Hosmer would make so sense from the financial perspective and not putting the rookie into a situation designed to ensure he would immediately fail.
Let’s edit
“… bringing up Hosmer would make no sense from the financial perspective and putting the rookie into a situation designed to ensure he would immediately fail.”
@mocrash and jimmyd
The Royals have blown so much smoke up our asses about prospects it’s a miracle we don’t all have ass cancer.
See Colt Griffin.
Scouting reports on baseball players coming out of high school or college are nowhere near as accurate as basketball and football.
See Bubba Starling, who I predict will be a huge failure in whatever sport he decides to pursue. He’s way, way, way over-rated.
Hosmer has some nice physical tools and he does look good striking out. Hopefully, Kevin Seitzer can help him get adjusted to THE SHOW. Based on what I saw last night I was not impressed. His future potential will have a lot to do with development between the ears.
JIMMY, you wanna up that bet?
He sees the big payoff if the royals continue to ply dec ent ball…he smells the money
like a rat smells cheeese. And we all know this rat named glass loves moeny
more than anything else.
Hopefull y the guy does well…not a good start…but he’ll need time to figure out his
stance and move thigs together…
as far as the royals…they need to win the next 3 series…that would be huge
going into middle may with a winning record…going into st. lous series with
a winning record….huge.
And rememberi said this was going to happen…problem will be what will the
idiot yost do with other players on the bench now who could also be starting…
will create problems with other players…mayve even butler who did well
last year.
heres the scoop…royals have a major move about to be made….watch out..
they are feeling cocky and want a major trade to send off prospects who will
seit on bench………..big….if moore pulls the trigger but he may just want to
sit with his team right now and see how they progress.
But i will make this very bold…very out on alimb prediction….they need to
get rid of yost…..sooner the better…and b ring in someone with a winning
attitude and a winning record….that may be the missing ppiece to get them
over the hump and into division contention.
I will be doing further analyss o f the situation to my fans/readers/
disciples as news breaks..
and lets be serious…who gives fuck who brooke the news of the player coming
up from minors…not even a bi g deal…it was bound to happen…
and kk is a complete idiot for making a big deal out of it…
Was this actually frugal?
I love your enthusiasm for the Royals and usually share it. I feel great about Hosmer’s potential…I just think they should have waited until June. The Royals may have lost a full year of Hosmer’s service s by brining him up. ( If he is the stud we all hope and think he is, they will likely lose him to a big money team at free agency)
I dont think they can truly contend this season, but do think they can win a World Series in 2013 or 2014. The Roylas know the longer they contend the better attended the games will be, generating “right now money”. I hope they didn’t throw way a year of service for right now money.
This being said…I hope they win the ALC this year and will cry tears of f-ng joy if they do.
Smartman, you sure do run your mouth a lot. How about you STFU and let this kid have a few weeks to adjust to being in the big leagues.
Hey Merle, I got chunks of guys like you comin’out of my stool.
In “weeks”, film on Hosmer will be all over the bigs along with the whole psych profile, pitch count tendencies and other high tech, Freudian, big brother shit that teams use to get inside the oppositions head.
Hosmer is not the Old Roy-als salvation. When his career is over in 5-10-15 or 20 years his stats will be in the lower half of the MLB average for his time in the bigs. He’s not a George Brett, Johnny Damon, A-Rod, Derek Jeter type player.
Can he contribute to the team? Absolutely, if he’s groomed properly.
The hype is all bullshit and only puts more pressure on him. The battle between pitcher and batter requires more mental toughness, concentration and discipline than any other sport besides boxing. If your head isn’t in the game you’re back ridin’ the charter pretty quick.
The Old-Roy-als need to set him up to succeed. All the hype sets the bar too high for a 21 year old and almost assures his failure.
I’m still trying to figure out how you’re so much more informed about Hosmer and his talents than most scouts. Maybe I should buy out of this bet…oh wait, all Hosmer has to do is hit .236 and I’m $100 richer. Have you seen his swing and his patience? I’d bet $1000 if I wasn’t so poor. This is easy money…just don’t pull a Glazer and “forget” about the bet
Never stiffed anyone on a bet in my life.
Whole new world for Hosmer. More games, better pitching, more pressure, more travel, jet lag, etc. That stuff wears you down mentally and physically. Hell, don’t forget about all the damn groupies that want some of his wood.
He’s not a big fish in a small pond anymore.
I’m sure his first week up he’s been running on adrenaline. We’ll see how he does over the course of the season, when the season turns into a grind.