Rashard Mendenhall, Steelers running back, after the breakout of celebrations across America after news broke that Osama bin Laden was killed by a team of US special ops, Twitter
GH: Athletes took to Twitter (along with everyone else) to express their opinions of the news bin Laden had been killed. Some, like Mendenhall, were not as excited to see America celebrating OBL’s demise. I am curious as to what news vacuum Mendenhall frequents in that he pretends to not know bin Laden’s “side” of terrorism. Read on.
“We just looked like the Afghan people, a decade later. That’s not what we should be doing, celebrating with beers and all that. I didn’t agree with that. That’s just me.”
Chris Douglas-Roberts, of the Milwaukee Bucks, Twitter
GH: We could always cut the heads off a few innocent people on live television to commemorate the event. I kind of think beer was invented for occasions like Osama’s death.
Chris Douglas-Roberts, of the Milwaukee Bucks, Twitter
GH: We could always cut the heads off a few innocent people on live television to commemorate the event. I kind of think beer was invented for occasions like Osama’s death.
“Everybody all happy about this Osama shit but when somebody kill somebody in your family what happens smh y’all act like got no family.”
Jacob Pullen, Twitter
GH: I believe it was Osama who acted like he had no family when he asked children to commit suicide as human bombs to destroy the lives of innocent people in an effort to simply create fear and chaos in the world. Pullen had more to say. Read on.
Jacob Pullen, Twitter
GH: I believe it was Osama who acted like he had no family when he asked children to commit suicide as human bombs to destroy the lives of innocent people in an effort to simply create fear and chaos in the world. Pullen had more to say. Read on.
“And his family don’t care about nobody in this country so I aint happy about this shit cause I fly somewhere every week. I’m scared now.”
Jacob Pullen, Twitter
GH: Now we cut to the core of Pullen’s issue with Osama being greased – he is concerned for himself and his safety. Not his country, not his countrymen and not those innocent people and families devastated by the terror Osama fueled for decades. Pullen might be a helluva a basketball player but he’s the last guy I want in my foxhole. Selfish don’t play in the military.
Jacob Pullen, Twitter
GH: Now we cut to the core of Pullen’s issue with Osama being greased – he is concerned for himself and his safety. Not his country, not his countrymen and not those innocent people and families devastated by the terror Osama fueled for decades. Pullen might be a helluva a basketball player but he’s the last guy I want in my foxhole. Selfish don’t play in the military.
“I’m not saying it was wrong to kill him, he got what he deserved but where I’m from when u kill someone there family will kill someone.”
Jacob Pullen, Twitter
GH: Terrorism cannot be tolerated. It needs to be eliminated permanently. Death is a good start to permanent.
Jacob Pullen, Twitter
GH: Terrorism cannot be tolerated. It needs to be eliminated permanently. Death is a good start to permanent.
“If you don’t agree with me fine, unfollow me. I won’t loose any sleep. lol but know that one death leads to another.”
Jacob Pullen, Twitter
GH: Pullen might want to shave before he boards his next flight. Americans don’t take too kindly to cowards.
Jacob Pullen, Twitter
GH: Pullen might want to shave before he boards his next flight. Americans don’t take too kindly to cowards.
“Putting something out on Twitter is just like saying something in an interview or on camera. You can’t take it back. You put this out there it is going to become news. It’s just like saying it into a microphone.”
Danny Parkins, 610 AM
GH: Listening to Parkins Tuesday morning on 610 Sports is what tipped me off to Pullen’s and Mendenhall’s comments on Twitter. While tweeting is not the same as saying something into a microphone, it can carry much the same weight. Jack Harry likes to believe his comments on his Internet video blog should not be judged with the same standards as his TV reports on KSHB. It is not the medium. It is the message no matter the medium. If you want to bury something in today’s digital age, get quoted in the pulp edition of the daily newspaper.
Danny Parkins, 610 AM
GH: Listening to Parkins Tuesday morning on 610 Sports is what tipped me off to Pullen’s and Mendenhall’s comments on Twitter. While tweeting is not the same as saying something into a microphone, it can carry much the same weight. Jack Harry likes to believe his comments on his Internet video blog should not be judged with the same standards as his TV reports on KSHB. It is not the medium. It is the message no matter the medium. If you want to bury something in today’s digital age, get quoted in the pulp edition of the daily newspaper.
“You can’t tell me they just now finding Bin Laden. We prolly found him years ago and he wasn’t giving us no info and we got tired of it.”
George Hill, San Antonio Spurs guard, Twitter
GH: Yeah, that’s “prolly” it.
George Hill, San Antonio Spurs guard, Twitter
GH: Yeah, that’s “prolly” it.
“No to catch a predator tonight. Not cool cnbc.”
Tashard Choice, Dallas Cowboys running back, upset that the TV show was preempted by the Osama news, Twitter
GH: Choice was initially upset the his TV show was bumped for a special newscast. He was a bit too quick with his Twitter finger but made amends once he realized the gravity of the news. Read on.
Tashard Choice, Dallas Cowboys running back, upset that the TV show was preempted by the Osama news, Twitter
GH: Choice was initially upset the his TV show was bumped for a special newscast. He was a bit too quick with his Twitter finger but made amends once he realized the gravity of the news. Read on.
“My bad my tweet people osama bin laden being dead is better news.”
Tashard Choice, revoking his earlier tweet about To Catch A Predator, Twitter
GH: Unlike Pullen and Mendenhall, Choice fixed his tweet instead of choosing to defend it. Not all professional athletes condemned the killing of Osama. In fact, many reveled in it just like most of America. Read on.
Tashard Choice, revoking his earlier tweet about To Catch A Predator, Twitter
GH: Unlike Pullen and Mendenhall, Choice fixed his tweet instead of choosing to defend it. Not all professional athletes condemned the killing of Osama. In fact, many reveled in it just like most of America. Read on.
“I wish i could have sacked osama bin laden before he was killed. regardless i want to congratulate all of those who worked so hard to help make this happen.. huge day for the US.”
Brian Cushing, Houston Texans linebacker, Twitter
Brian Cushing, Houston Texans linebacker, Twitter
“Obama words are earth moving and inspiring.”
Lebron James, Twitter
GH: They might even cheer this in Cleveland. Okay, prolly not.
Lebron James, Twitter
GH: They might even cheer this in Cleveland. Okay, prolly not.
“God Bless … all the Troops and Civilians that serve our country at home and overseas!!”
Michael Strahan, Twitter
GH: Strahan and the Fox NFL studio crew visited the US troops this past year and I am sure that experience is just what Jake Pullen needs to get his priorities straight.
Michael Strahan, Twitter
GH: Strahan and the Fox NFL studio crew visited the US troops this past year and I am sure that experience is just what Jake Pullen needs to get his priorities straight.
Lance Armstrong, Twitter
GH: I am guessing there were no Frenchmen involved in the Osama raid.
Lance Armstrong, Twitter
GH: I am guessing there were no Frenchmen involved in the Osama raid.
“Since we caught Osama do I still have to take my laptop out at security?”
Steve Nash, Phoenix Suns guard, Twitter
Steve Nash, Phoenix Suns guard, Twitter
“Obama got rid of Osama!!”
Mike Tyson, Twitter
GH: No word if Iron Mike thinks the death bow was “spinal.”
Mike Tyson, Twitter
GH: No word if Iron Mike thinks the death bow was “spinal.”
“Words cannot do justice to the amount of thanks we should bestow upon those whose life mission it is to keep the world safe.”
Andy Roddick, professional tennis star, Twitter
“So I’m told by a reputable person they have killed Osama Bin Laden. Hot damn!”
Keith Urbahn, former Chief of Staff for Donald Rumsfeld, Twitter
Andy Roddick, professional tennis star, Twitter
“So I’m told by a reputable person they have killed Osama Bin Laden. Hot damn!”
Keith Urbahn, former Chief of Staff for Donald Rumsfeld, Twitter
“I hope to God he rots in hell!”
Kenneth Specht, a 911 first responder and NYC fire fighter, CNN
GH: Amen.
Kenneth Specht, a 911 first responder and NYC fire fighter, CNN
GH: Amen.
GregHall24@yahoo.com and Twitter / greghall24
Afleets spelz funnee
Like children, athletes should be seen and not heard.
Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one and most should not be shared with the rest of the world.
Nice to know Pullen’s K State education didn’t teach him the difference between “loose” and “lose”.
Greg, I meant to post this on your marathon report, but there’s nothing worse than raw nipples. We should invent a “running bro”.
I guess this is your beat, Greg (quotes from sports figures) but I could really not care less about what an athlete has to say on issues other than sports. Seeing how stupid most of these “college educated” people are is rather depressing.
BTW, are Nebraskans blaming Texas for getting kicked out of the AAU?
Put me in the camp that thinks its stupid to celebrate someone’s death no matter how bad they were. Was 9/11 awful? Yes of course it was, but we’re following the same idiotic foreign policy that caused it in the first place. Pullen’s correct in at this isn’t going to solve anything and it will likely only lead to more death. If they wanted to defuse the situation or at least lessen the potential blowback, they should have captured him instead of killing him. Sorry Greg but if you’re gonna call someone a coward because he doesn’t like us celebrating the death of someone, even as evil as bin Laden, I’m gonna call you an idiot for drawing blind assumptions about this whole situation first starting on 9/11.
… no surprise
… no one ever confused basketball players with rocket scientists…
Pullen? … exactly WHERE is he from?
..”where I
Seriously, people?
Don’t try to blame someone’s poor spelling skills on their college education. Like most state schools (KU and Nebraska included) you don’t have to be a genius, and you certainly don’t have to pass a spelling test, to be admitted. K-State has better things to do than to teach basic grammar to the students. Blame Pullen’s primary education system for failing him. If you still feel like K-State doesn’t turn out any “fine products,” why don’t you check this out (credit to http://consider.k-state.edu/awards/)
K-State ranks first nationally among state universities in its total of Rhodes, Marshall, Truman, Goldwater and Udall scholars since 1986. Our students have won more than $2 million in those five competitions and have earned K-State a place among the nation’s elite universities.
Rank among all universities
1. Harvard
2. Yale
3. Stanford
4. Princeton
5. Duke
7. Brown
8. Chicago
9. MIT
10. Cornell
Rank among state universities
No. 1 in all-time Truman scholars
No. 1 in all-time Goldwater scholars
No. 2 in Rhodes scholars since 1986
No. 2 in all-time Udall scholars (tied)
No. 3 in Marshall scholars since 1986
k state edukayshon
Nice stats. Still doesn’t deny the fact the Jacob Pullen has no grammar skillz (as they say). What a horrible indictment on the K State education standards for admission. I wonder how many courses he passed with the those skillz. Oh wait….
Menny peepul on this webb sight hoo are moor eddakated then Jakob Pullman are knot sew grate wif there spellin. Incloodin sum guise that wur perfesanal righters. Yew no what eye meen, write?
Thanks Matt I had forgotten…..
that 9/11 was our fault. “but we’re following the same idiotic foreign policy that caused it in the first place”. There is nothing I hate more than people who believe that we had it coming on 9/11. It was a cowardly act by a bunch of pussies. The pussy in question used his wife as a shield just to prove the point. Shut up and go paint butterflies.
GH: Let’s call Kramer and get that “running manzere” on the market!
GH: I don’t think Nebraska “blamed” Texas for anything other than not playing fair in a conference (Big 6/Big 8) that was always a collection of schools who existed for the betterment of all members. That obviously changed with the B12 and when Nebraska got a get-out-of-jail card from the B10, they cashed it in.
As far as losing their AAU status, that embarrassment is on the Huskers — and probably warranted. I’m a Nebraska guy and I never considerd NU the academic equal of the B10 schools. Still don’t. But I don’t think the B10 issued their invite for academic reasons…or basketball.
GH: I’m calling Pullen a coward because he’s more concerned with his own hide than striking a huge blow to global terrorism. He is worried about his safety boarding a plane due to Osama’s killing. Good thing for the world that the U.S. soilders on those choppers didn’t have Pullen’s selfish concerns.
Try reading a bit of history Troy
I don’t know what to tell ya if you think there is not going to be any consequences for replacing democratically elected governments with brutal dictators (Iran in the 50’s and 60’s), supporting and propping up brutal dictators (Saudi royal family, sadaam, Mubarak, Musharraf, etc.), giving arms to radical extremists we know nothing about (Mujahadeen in Afghanistan, which is Osamas old crew), and occupying foreign lands for the better part of 6 decades. How would we feel if we found out the Chinese masterminded a coup to overthrow our president and replaced him with a dictator that murdered our family members? How would we feel if the Chinese started throwing up military installations all over the US? I don’t know about you but I’d be pretty mad.
I’m not saying the American people had this coming and that it’s our fault. It’s our governments fault. Had we not been meddling with the middle east these people wouod have no reason to hate us. But as it stands after more than half a century of oppression, bombing, and blockades that we started and enforced, there have and will continue to be these horrible consequences,
As for using his wife as a shield we now know it’s not true and that he wasn’t even armed when he was killed. Honestly this whole thing smells fishy to me. No photo of e body, a burial at sea less than 24 hours later, and they don’t try to capture an unarmed 52 year old man on dialysis? You would think that if he’s such a high value target they would want him alive for interrogation at least.
I see everyone on here is really worried about grammar so just let me tell you if there’s something wrong with my spelling you can thank my iPads horrid autocorrect.
I’m glad GH pulled out the ‘coward’ line…there are so many people in this country that are all hardcore ‘USA USA’ and play the ‘we are exceptional and we kick a$$’ card that haven’t lifted a finger or done squat for this country. I’m as happy as anyone OBL is dead and gone, but I would like to know why all of the people dancing in the streets and tweeting about how awesome this is why they didn’t have the stones to sign up and go to fight in Afghanistan or Iraq? Or sign up to be cops or firefighters? People love to talk….now, actually doing something to make America exceptional? That’s a different deal.
I know an active duty Navy SEAL, a guy I have known for more than 20 years. I guarantee he and the guys on his team are not out chest-bumping and tweeting USA USA and they have more right to than anyone since they are the ones that have the stones to actually go and fight and not just TALK about how much America kicks A$$…..
Try reading a bit of history Troy
I don’t know what to tell ya if you think there is not going to be any consequences for replacing democratically elected governments with brutal dictators (Iran in the 50’s and 60’s), supporting and propping up brutal dictators (Saudi royal family, sadaam, Mubarak, Musharraf, etc.), giving arms to radical extremists we know nothing about (Mujahadeen in Afghanistan, which is Osamas old crew), and occupying foreign lands for the better part of 6 decades. How would we feel if we found out the Chinese masterminded a coup to overthrow our president and replaced him with a dictator that murdered our family members? How would we feel if the Chinese started throwing up military installations all over the US? I don’t know about you but I’d be pretty mad.
I’m not saying the American people had this coming and that it’s our fault. It’s our governments fault. Had we not been meddling with the middle east these people wouod have no reason to hate us. But as it stands after more than half a century of oppression, bombing, and blockades that we started and enforced, there have and will continue to be these horrible consequences,
As for using his wife as a shield we now know it’s not true and that he wasn’t even armed when he was killed. Honestly this whole thing smells fishy to me. No photo of e body, a burial at sea less than 24 hours later, and they don’t try to capture an unarmed 52 year old man on dialysis? You would think that if he’s such a high value target they would want him alive for interrogation at least.
I see everyone on here is really worried about grammar so just let me tell you if there’s something wrong with my spelling you can thank my iPads horrid autocorrect.
Some people don’t make sense to me
So just because someone hasn’t been to war and killed for there country or put there life on the line as a police officer or firefighter has no right to celebrate the accomplishments of those that are serving? That is fucking ridiculous.
GH Said: ‘I’m calling Pullen a coward because he’s more concerned with his own hide than striking a huge blow to global terrorism. He is worried about his safety boarding a plane due to Osama’s killing. Good thing for the world that the U.S. soilders on those choppers didn’t have Pullen’s selfish concerns.’
He’s calling Pullen a coward because he wasn’t celebrating. Not everyone in this country is going to ‘serve’ there country by being in the military or being a cop so that makes all those people cowards?
Two Osama thoughts
May 1, 2011
From: Office of the President
To: U.S. Department of Lost and Found
Thank you for finding my birth certificate and Osama Bin Laden in the same week. Keep up the good work.
Barack Obama
From the Satanic News Service
May 1, 2011
There was a disturbance in Hell today as Osama Bin Laden was greeted by hundreds of enraged and disappointed suicide bombers. As Mr. Bin Laden was repeatedly sodomized and gang-raped by the crowd, Hell’s security officers seemed to be on a permanent coffeebreak.
Updates on the hour.
Pullen’s Pie Hole
There are tens of thousands of kids just a few miles up the road from KSU at Fort Riley that didn’t get the opportunity that Pullen got. I care more about what they have to say than Jakey. They know all about guns and getting shot at Jakey. You don’t hold a canldle to them. Enjoy European basketball. And if you think your NIT comment didn’t cost you anything…. Think again.
Rainbow Man = Douche Nozzle
I’m not going to defend Jake’s comments, because I disagree with him in this instance…but he will undoubtedly have a better career than your golden-boy Sherron “Elevator Casanova” Collins, Europe or otherwise. Collins gave up his shot to play ball when he decided he would rather get high than get on a plane to join his team, TWICE! And I’m sure his spelling and grammar are superb.LOL Collins could barely speak a coherent sentence, let-alone write one. And why is your name “Rainbow Man?” I’m guessing you like the fellas, right? That explains your infatuation with the “kids” at Fort Riley. I will continue to serve my country, but punks like you make me ashamed that a sizeable portion of our citizenship can call themselves Americans.
To Sarge
1. My KC Con name… Rainbow Man….is derived from a fairly popular street in Kansas City, KS and Westwood, KS… Google Map it… I have been on here quite a while… actually pretty much from the start. Since it matters to you…. I tolerate all lifestyles… But I have been married for 18 years to a woman and we have three children.
2. I am 44… so I may refer to 17-24 year olds as “kids.” Sorry… I have a kid in that age range.
3. Thank you for your service to our country. I have never served, but have numerous close people to me that have… including my brother. I love our military. And I do appreciate your service.
4. Pullen made another stupid, punk statement… not his first one. Great guard. Maybe the best I have ever seen in years. But he needs a muzzle on his pie hole.
5. Not very sure you would pass the first cut of the Navy Seal test . Just had to throw that in. Cheers.
bin Laden
I find it fascinating how the entire nation was led to hate to the point of death for a man who never made a speech, never addressed an army, never apparently stepped foot on American soil, and whose entire anti-West campaign was based on information provided to the American public filtered through the U.S. federal government and the national media. bin Laden may have been no more significant to worldwide terrorism and 9/11 than any of the other terrorists nabbed in the past 10 years. Where were the street dancers when Khalid Sheikh Mohammad was captured? His interrogation yielded WAY more beneficial intel than anything bin Laden is telling us today.
Let’s face it folks…the government needed us to HATE a face of terrorism, and they used bin Laden to make that face recognizable and hatable. His death is no more significant to combating terrorism than is the death of the loser that sawed off the heads of Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg. Don’t let them use you in this way.
The King’s English
As in Martin Luther King, Flip Wilson, Sanford and Son, Good Times, Soul Train, The Jeffersons, The Cosby Show. Lew Alcindor, Cassius Clay, Wilt Chamberlin, Walt Frazier, Jim Browne, Arthur Ashe, Oscar Robertson, Malcom X, Elijah Mohammad Those muthafukahs sure as hell knew how to speak.
No fucking excuse, NONE whatsoever for the ebonics shit comin’ out of the mouths of black athletes, rappers, entertainers or any black people for all that matters. Whitlock DUH?
Get these fuckers a copy of Verbal Advantage.
Fuck education. If you can conversate and intellectualize your pronouncements profoundidly with articulatization of the bovine excrement you’re well on your way to being successful. Aight?
Re; Sarge
Sarge was having a bad day a Captain 20 years his senior chewed his ass out all day so he had to make gay comments and piss on someone else.
Donald trump and all your right winger wingnut assholes…
Sorry I was a little late in getting you my long form birth certificate…
NOW STFU you losers~
Greg, the same rule that applies to athletes should apply to
sports reporters. Stick with what you know. Your editorializing on terrorism and Bin Laden’s death don’t help you gain readers. If anything, you’ll lose them. You said, “I’m calling Pullen a coward because he’s more concerned with his own hide than striking a huge blow to global terrorism.” Seriously? That’s your position?? Pullen clearly was concerned about safety but he also pointed out the bigger picture issue, which is proven throughout history, that violence begats violence. The “troubles” in Northern Ireland are a classic example out of the thousands across the span of time. Oh, and shooting Osama Bin Laden when he is unarmed “strikes a huge blow to global terrorism”? That single act (killing an unarmed person) by our military just recruited hundreds, if not thousands, more terrorists. Not only did his killing decrease our short-term safety, it further exacerbates the cycle of violence. Arrest the guy and stick him over in max security in Illinois with Manual Noriega — don’t make him a martyr.
It is disturbing how comfortable Americans are getting with the circumstantial variation in any baseline of human rights. Call it moral relativism if you want, but it is clear that the false premise of “you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t directly harm me” has taken firm hold on our culture. Your willingness to denigrate Pullen with an ad hominem attack on him because he believes different from you on an issue, is indicative of our culture. I had pegged you as above this type of thought process. Apparently, I was mistaken.