Car: Kelly Blue Book’s Top 10 Green Cars & Fiat Delays KC Opening

This just in…

Far be it from me to write something that might cause Car section comments dude Rogger to burst into tears (or flames) but here goes. I’ve been feeling a little down since getting my new Fiat 500. Because by giving up my Toyota Prius, I’m going from nearly 50 miles-per-gallon to 40 – if I’m lucky.

That is if I drive so slow bluehairs in 20 year-old K cars wanna run me off the road. I let my lead-footed Asian girlfriend drive the Fiat a few days and got just 36.8 mpg on my first tank. But I did get some good news today.

Kelly Blue Book came out with its Top 10 Green Cars and the little Fiat made the grade.

Of course the Prius still looms larger in the rankings as you can see, coming in at No. 3 versus the Fiat’s debut in the No. 9 slot. So the guilt isn’t quite going away. But it’s tempered by the fact that said girlfriend bought my Prius and is now more than doubling the paltry 28 mpgs she was getting with her


(or as my daughters say, Scooby Doo).

And while Fiat made the Top 10, Kelly Blue Book threw a caution flag:

"We wish the small Fiat and its little 101-horsepower engine could eek a couple more miles out of each gallon, but it’s still one of the most fuel-efficient vehicles available today – and pretty darn charming."

Now for the folks who have been stopping me and asking where they can buy a Fiat locally, here’s an update. Fiat of Olathe (aka Olathe Dodge) is running behind schedule on the construction of its new facility near 119th Street off I-35.

It was slated to open May 6th, but the word is it may not be ready until late summer / early fall.

Meaning if you want a new Fiat you’ll probably have to track an out-of-town dealer and bring it back.
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16 Responses to Car: Kelly Blue Book’s Top 10 Green Cars & Fiat Delays KC Opening

  1. lockednks says:

    Hey Hearne
    Heard anything about the gas mileage getting better once the motor is broke in? I know it has a different type of motor but I didn’t start getting my best gas mileage in my ’08 Ram until I put over 20,000 miles on it.

  2. Hearne Christopher says:

    Yeah, I’m hoping. It’s hard to take a step backwards, especially as gas prices are climbing the worry wall. My goal is to average 40, so we’ll see.

  3. says:

    You know this kind of journalism demands a graphic where you chart your daily gas mileage..I know a lot of us are eagerly awaiting the report….

    also, please to report how many ho’s craig can get in one

  4. Hearne Christopher says:

    Not a problem. Craig can jam in three. Legally.

  5. mrnbrown says:

    how many of the three were actually born a woman? Legally?

  6. Mark x says:

    … NO … NO … NO …

  7. Rogger says:

    Fiat makes the top 10 for green….I’m yawning.
    Oh dear heavens!!!! What an honor!!! Tucked right in there at number 9, no less. Well, a giant SHALOM to that!
    Next, let’s see if can make even one of the top 10 for resale, performance, customer satisfaction, dealer support services, parts availability, warranty fulfillment, and perhaps even reliability!! You know dang well Fiat never places in any of those categories….never!
    So enjoy your almost-last position in the ultra-hokey GREEN list.
    And if you want some further torture, Hearnie, let’s place a wager right now that the Big Old Olathe DodgeTruck Store doesn’t have that fanboy “Fiat Studio” built by Halloween! And a tin Morgan building with a portable sign doesn’t count.
    I’ll further wager they never stock a comprehensive parts department and certainly won’t dedicate a factory-trained mechanic to this folly.
    Interested buyers will have to deal with Bubba, the salesman in cowboy boots who normally deals in one-ton diesel duallys and hates Italians.

  8. Hearne Christopher says:

    Who knows? You asked to to describe a hypothetical, future transaction

  9. Hearne Christopher says:

    You wanna bet, huh? OK, if they’re Fiat Studi isn’t open and done by Halloween you gotta go Trick or Treating as a straight dude? We gotta bet?

  10. smartman says:

    Kelly More Blue Than Green
    This list is bullshit. The greenest car available,(only in California right now), is the zero emission, nitrogen powered Honda Clarity that comes with a home refueling station option. Was in SoCal with a friend of mine a few weeks back and a friend of ours from high school has one.

  11. Larry says:

    How much is Fiat paying Hearne for these posts?
    Just wondering.

  12. Hearne Christopher says:

    Zero. Next question?

  13. Rogger says:

    Game On!
    Sounds like a workable deal.
    However, should the Olathe Dodge boys fail to properly erect the aforementioned “Studio” by Halloween, and since you have continually and habitually questioned my sexual orientation in your comments;
    your side of the wager if losing, will be to dispatch your half-pint girlfriend to Casa De Rogger that very evening with specific instructions to assist in a definitive settlement of the issue.
    OK, Hearnie?

  14. Hearne Christopher says:

    OK, you win. U-n-c-l-e. But hey, you started it with your bladder control challenge riding in your Z car. I once drove a girl to KCI in my Z on a Sunday morning very early at 130 mph to catch a flight. Bladder held up just fine.

  15. tmsaab says:

    nice car!
    finally saw one on the street!

  16. Half-Pint says:

    Game not on.
    Hey Rogger,

    Su casa no es mi casa.

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