Tired of reading and hearing about what former Kansas Citians favorite barbecue is?
Anybody really care, besides restaurant owners? Or that we’re the fattest city, best place to raise a family, etc. Yeah, we’ve got the Chiefs, Paul Rudd and a couple of secondary movie comics. And for what it’s worth, the Plaza.
Almost forget the Royals, but they’re infamous.
Will we ever break out of this boring, uninspired PR nightmare?
Thanks to "Kara In Kansas City, Missouri" in the March issue of Esquire, we just did.
"As a woman who enjoys men who enjoy cleavage, I humbly request that you instruct men on the proper way to refer to breasts," Kara tells Esquire. ""Tits are tits and should not, in the presence of women, be referred to as boobs. Boobs is a term reserved for third grade boys. When breasts are spoken of (to women), they should be referred to as tits or breasts. Anything, actually, except boobs."
The lame comment by Esquire "editors" aside, is there really such a distinction among women and is Kara – or Karen as an art student in Portland claims is the woman who wrote to Esquire – on target with her analogy?
No way, counters KCC hit grrrrl Maria Juarez.
"She needs to pull that stick out of her ass," Juarez says. "That’s so stupid – it’s just a word – it’s not even pejorative. It’s just her mouthing off about a minor pet peeve that doesn’t even represent the perspective of the female populatiomn."
Google the two terms and they bring up as many porn sites as you might imagine. I started to take a boobs vs. tits test on one non-porn site but it turned into a solicitation for a dating service. Getting nowhere fast, I found a two year-old Yahoo Answers addressing the subject: That being he two words mean the same thing. And both "are considered or crass by some," Answers.com says,
And while it’s nice for KC to see get props for something other than bad baseball and smoked meats, not sure Kara’s 15 seconds of fame is much if anything in the way of an image upgrade for what passes as this cowtown.
Jr., Jr., Jr….
It looks like those boobs would barely fit into your new Fiat.
Silly Rabbi
Tits are for kids.
I Should Have Written This!
My kinda town, Kansas City is my kinda town, with tits that are upside down, my kinda town.