Jack Goes Confidential: LITTLE FOCKERS Coulda, Shoulda but Didn’t!

Critics can be extremely cruel to convey their distaste for a movie across to their readers or listeners.

One of the most extreme examples we’ve seen lately is the opening paragraph in THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER’s review of the new comedy LITTLE FOCKERS.

Allow me to share.

"LITTLE FOCKERS is focking dismal. Clearly nothing but a paycheck project for all concerned, this is definitely the least and hopefully last of a franchise that started amusingly enough a decade ago but has now officially overstayed its welcome."

In all fairness to the film – which I agree doesn’t come close to the original MEET THE PARENTS or first sequel – it does deliver laughs. Especially for its intended audience (probably the Baby Boomer crowd).

In LITTLE FOCKERS the test of wills between Jack Byrne (Robert DeNiro) and Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) escalates to new heights. Finances, raising the twins and conditions at work are now putting extra pressures on Stiller. And when DeNiro suffers a light heart attack during a birthday visit to the little Fockers in Chicago, he figures it’s time to christen Stiller as the family’s new God-Focker.

It’s all loaded to the hilt with cheap laughs; farting, vomiting and erectile-dysfunctional jokes.

And yes, DeNiro suffers a boner lasting more then 4 hours……

Barbra Streisand and Dustin Hoffman are totally wasted in this second sequel. And Hoffman allegedly held out of joining the cast until after filming had already begun. Go figure.

Owen Wilson returns as Mrs. Focker’s yesteryear’s beau. Even Harvey Keitel and Laura Dern show up for good measure.

But thank God for sexy (and willing) drug rep Jessica Alba in a pretty decent role here.

She’s more potent in this movie then any little blue pill!

Oh, and it’s only 98 minutes long. So time flies even if you’re not having the time of your life.

The PG-13 rated in-law comedy LITTLE FOCKERS.

It’s Christmas time. Hell, I’m going to be generous and raise 3 out of 5 fingers for general audiences—but only 2 for more discerning moviegoers.

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