Glazer: So You Wanna Date a Movie Star?

“Those Hollywood Nights, those Hollywood years, I was looking for the light…all it got me was tears..”

Stanford and Sons launched more TV/movie actors than any venue in Kansas City history. That’s a fact, not an opinion. Louie Anderson, Sinbad,
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21 Responses to Glazer: So You Wanna Date a Movie Star?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Never heard of Arliss H. very interesting that a guy from Independence is tending bar in Westport and next thing you know he is a Hollywood star. Nice Post.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Jesus, give me those 5 minutes of my life back. WTF is glazer posting on this site for? Fkng wannabe…
    HC: Five minutes, huh? If it was that boring why’d you spend all that time to choking it down – slow reader?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Howard had some pretty big moments. As Private Cowboy in Full Metal jacket and as the dino park CEO in Jurassic Park. Oh yeah, and as Mr. Debra Winger during her hey days.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Burman Dinstow
    Fact check: Debra Winger has NOT won an Academy Award. Nominated three times. Shirley MacLaine won instead of her for Terms of Endearment.

    If you don’t know who Arliss Howard is, watch Rubicon on AMC. It’s on before Mad Men.

  5. Anonymous says:


  6. Anonymous says:

    kate krass
    The story was lame, but the comments are great.

  7. Anonymous says:

    The Shawnster
    Arliss Howard and Sandhal Bergman are your idea of movie stars? A more apt title should’ve been “So you wanna date the D list.” Sheesh, is it 1988 again?

  8. Anonymous says:

    I always like to read about KC folks who make it big. I am a big Conan fan, seen it a million times on tv. That girl Sandhal, was in tons of other films, saw her in Xanadu and another Arnold movie. Hot stuff. Met Arlis Howard years back, nice guy. He and I were in some classes together back in the day. He’s sure had a solid career. Glazer don’t mind the haters, keep up these stories many of us, like me, find them fun to read.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Why the hating on Glazer. Interesting story. Love Rubicon, didn’t know that guy was from KC.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I went to East, Sandhal was the big cheese back in the day. I’m no hater, wish I could have dated her. Saw Ray Liotta when he was shooting a movie here in the early 90’s. Strange man.

  11. Anonymous says:

    kate krass
    You can find an interesting ‘exercise’ YouTube video of Sandhal if you google her name.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Rob Lane
    Craig is Sandhal still acting? Still married. Heard she was at reunion and looked great.

    Shawnster and mylich gentlemen, I also went to East. To say Bergman was not a star? She won the Golden Globe award and was in many other major films into the 2000’s. Arlis is likly one of the most long term success stories this city has ever had in film and tv. Why do you put it down, don’t get it. Who and what have you two ever done? As far as Glazer writing on this blog, he’s probably fron what I see in comments, one of the most popluar guys on the damn thing. So give it a rest, huh?

  13. Anonymous says:

    KCMO staffer
    I agree with rlane and jweinberg people. Glazer is kinda our gateway to the stars and crime and so much crazy stuff, I find him super interesting. No I don’t always agree with his take on subjects. Conversely why not travel down the road of a unique half century of a kinda famous person. The man has done alot and crossed paths with many famous people. I checked him out on IMDB.COM he has several film credits even an acting one and producing as well. Glazer isn’t Ronnie Howard, but who is?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Susan Dunlap
    I used to dance and workout to Sandhals videos on exercise. One was a huge hit, back with the Jane Fonda stuff. “D” list, my gosh, this gal is one of this cities alltime biggest film stars. Maybe it was years back, but time does not destroy her name. I guess Clark Gable is now a nobody too. Bergman was in People Magazine several times. Arlis Howard and his wife Debra Winger came to KC a couple years back to promote a film they did, don’t remember the name but it was front page news.

    Craig is just a person trying to give us some fun at his own expense. He’s not bragging, he said he lost the girl and the movie job due to bad moves on his part, so give the guy a little slack, huh. Besides I think he’s kinda handsome.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Dated Glazer two years ago. The man is proud, but you know what, not really a bragger. I’ve learned more about his past on this blog, than when we went out. So I have to stick up for him on that one. He mentioned this lady but never went into any detail about their romance. I did know who she was from a couple films she did, like her muscled up body. Kinda the first tough-girl star.

    Craig, I’m interested in other known Hollywood ladies you dated. Keep me informed. See ya soon.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Bergman, D list? I don’t think so, neither did Ray Liotta. She was super fine. You go Glazer.

  17. Anonymous says:

    must be a slow (but loyal) reader HC….
    As for Glazer, sorry, think he is a worthless sleazeball, but there are many like him that actually have interesting stories. keep waiting for something good. appreciate those of you who hang on every word, no worries.
    HC: Didn’t mean to give you a hard time. You know every story or post is not for everyone. But as you can see from the comments, some people really liked this story, for example. And some wanted their five minutes back. Can’t please all of the people all of the time. Tell you what, I’m gonna give you those five back, on me. I want you to sleep in tomo and if anybody gives you any trouble, send ’em my way and I’ll take care of of ’em for you.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Didn’t Kip Niven go to SM East? He was one of the vigilante motorcycle cops in Dirty Harry: Magnum Force.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Hey myulich explain why you hate Glazer. Why do you feel he is a sleeze? I met him, liked him. Hear him on radio, the guys a hoot. Why the hate, just courious.

  20. Anonymous says:

    the log
    I don’t get the hate. I enjoy your stories man keep em comin. I like to know who’s made it not just from KC but all over the area. Still the coolest dude to come out of Missouri was Steve McQueen. From slater if I’m not mistaken.
    HC: You are correct. Buzzed thru Slater this summer – semi by accident – and they were having a blues fest at the, uh, town baseball diamond. Speaking of which, very little to do or see in Slater, outside of the childhood home of Steve McQueen signs.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Tisha Benincasa
    Thank you for another informative blog. Where else could I get that kind of info written in such a perfect way? I have a project that I am just now working on, and I have been on the look out for such information.

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