Kat: Starlight’s Dreamgirls Shine Through Storm, Squall, Dueling Umbrellas

Tickets nowhere to be found, computers down, the night ablaze in lightning and a drenching downpour…

Starlight was soaked, but the audience remained stoked.

After a 45 minute wait, I was led to a seat -not my own wherever that was – 30 minutes after the scheduled start of the show. And still no one even knows if there’ll be a show. Given the conditions, anticipation, and angry umbrellas, the dollar ponchos were the best buy ever.

Forty-five minutes later, with no warning, the stage lights came on and, surprisingly, half the audience threw in the towel and left. They’d

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One Response to Kat: Starlight’s Dreamgirls Shine Through Storm, Squall, Dueling Umbrellas

  1. Anonymous says:

    Jayhawk Fan
    Thank you for the review, and thanks for putting up with the conditions to bring it to us.
    You are a SuperTrouper!!

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