Jennifer: Hand to Farm and Farm to Hand

The City Market is near and dear to my heart…

It may have started back in the day when my parents would take a special weekend trip down to Planters.
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3 Responses to Jennifer: Hand to Farm and Farm to Hand

  1. Anonymous says:

    Rich Kelleher
    I got there right after the festivities ended I saw a lady loading up her unsellable items, a lava lamp and a little girls bike for 15.00 which usually gets passed around for free if you live in a neighborhood with kids. My clearest image was of the guy selling spices from the bags he kept them so nice. If it was me I would have spilled Kool Aid in them and lost a classring as I scooped stuff out. He just sat there with his immaculate spices.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Kris Pall
    Your dad was an amazing man who lives on through in so many ways. I know he’s incredibly proud of you. Nice article!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Kia Zi
    These are times when we are so full of rage and irritation that it is good to know that someone is out there giving us something good to talk about, good to eat and a way to just get our hands dirty with something beside shit.

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