Hearne: Hot Summer Nights Not Too Little but Too Not Late Enough

Plans are afoot to avert KC’s annual summer wee hours, outdoor gatherings of young African-Americans…

Or better said, to keep them the heck out of middle class sanctuaries such as the Plaza and Westport.

Enter discussions to ressurect the old Hot Summer Nights urban youth distraction programs of year

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3 Responses to Hearne: Hot Summer Nights Not Too Little but Too Not Late Enough

  1. Anonymous says:

    is this what this city has come to?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Maybe if Barney and Andy did their job an enforced the curfew they could shut down at 11:30 and give the little gang bangers 30 minutes to get back to the hood or get hauled downtown. When momma has to get off the pole to come pick they ass up they might be a new reckoning about gettin’ home to the crib, I got two kidz my baby momma runnin’ late. So I went and did what I had ta did cause I had the kids. Ain’t that right Kanye?

  3. Anonymous says:

    I'm shopping for a dehumidifier; any you found really go
    […] Hearne: Hot Summer Nights Not Too Little but Too Not Late Enough | KC Confidential.com […]

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