jojo Hearne you are a riot! (bad pun)
YOu get someone who probably wasn’t ctually
there and get them to make some ambiguouis
inane qoute that really meant nothing and which
anyone who saw the news over the last 2
weeks could sy.
Now that you have this “site” where do you getr
this stuff? This cn’t be real. Now you hve
noone to mke sure what you say is truthful you
come up with these worthless qoutes that say
Hopefully hall will bolt this site and we won’t
have to read these “stories”.
johnnybgood Hearne the answer is WATER CANNONS!!!!!!
It worked in my day and it’ll work today.
Gets kiiids off the Plaza in a hurry, gives them a bath and cleans the streets all at the same time.
smartman I still wanna know about the 30 to 40 gunshots that Craig Glazer heard. He’s no idiot. I’m sure he didn’t make that up. How come there was no reporting on that?
Kyfan Smartman, good point, having been in similar situations in Westport over the 90’s, they fire in the air, from the cars or behind buildings. The cops always say latter, ‘fireworks’, don’t think so. They don’t report it, don’t want panic.Also some of that could have been from behind the Plaza itself.
Hearne you are a riot! (bad pun)
YOu get someone who probably wasn’t ctually
there and get them to make some ambiguouis
inane qoute that really meant nothing and which
anyone who saw the news over the last 2
weeks could sy.
Now that you have this “site” where do you getr
this stuff? This cn’t be real. Now you hve
noone to mke sure what you say is truthful you
come up with these worthless qoutes that say
Hopefully hall will bolt this site and we won’t
have to read these “stories”.
Hearne the answer is WATER CANNONS!!!!!!
It worked in my day and it’ll work today.
Gets kiiids off the Plaza in a hurry, gives them a bath and cleans the streets all at the same time.
I still wanna know about the 30 to 40 gunshots that Craig Glazer heard. He’s no idiot. I’m sure he didn’t make that up. How come there was no reporting on that?
Smartman, good point, having been in similar situations in Westport over the 90’s, they fire in the air, from the cars or behind buildings. The cops always say latter, ‘fireworks’, don’t think so. They don’t report it, don’t want panic.Also some of that could have been from behind the Plaza itself.