Hearne on the Street: Will Smell Save Folgers or Doom It?

Lots of hand wringing over the imminent closing of a century-old Folgers plant downtown…

Naturally, there’s a Facebook page – “Please Don’t Close The Kansas City Folgers Plant!!”

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4 Responses to Hearne on the Street: Will Smell Save Folgers or Doom It?

  1. Anonymous says:

    newbaum turk
    Now if they can only close the poop plant at 435 & Front street and the Bayer plant

  2. Anonymous says:

    More condos on the way.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Sara Paxton
    Sorry that you have misinterpreted the effort as an attempt to save the aroma of coffee in downtown. This effort is about much more than that. The economic impact of a large brand like Folgers pulling out. The loss of jobs. The loss of revenue for the city. Whether you like coffee, or like Folgers, it does not change the fact that Folgers has been an icon in the downtown community for over 100 years.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Folger’s is gone. Maybe someone with the city or state ought to be talking to the folks at The Roasterie to see if they can provide some financial assistance or incentive to them to expand their business and keep that sweet smell, and the jobs downtown. Maybe a phone call to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? That’s what real leaders do. Unfortunately, we don’t have any real leaders with vision and purpose who sieze moments like this to try and turn lemons into lemon-ade.

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