About last night’s Black Eyed Peas concert at Sprint Center…
“It was amazing,” says Midwest Transplant Network marketing and public relations specialist Erin Curtin. “They played all the hits and it wasn’t totally produced.”
Starting with the nasty spill BEP singer Fergie took near the start of the show.
“She fell, then she got right back up and the show went on,” Curtin says. “And it was several songs later when she talked about it.”
Curtin’s live-from-the-concert description of Fergie’s explanation of the spill:
” ‘As you can see, it’s not always glamorous…had a lovely fall earlier…When I fall I get right back up.” Then she went right into ‘Big Girls Don’t Cry.”
How precipitous of a fall was it?
“Well, it was at the beginning of the show and she was in a leotard and when she fell there was like a gasp (from the audience) and she fell forward in the middle of the stage. Like she tripped over something. And the spotlight was on her.
“It looked emotionally painful, it didn’t look physically painful. Every girl knows what it’s like when you’re dressed to the nines and have your big girl high heels on and you’re strutting your stuff – then you get a reality check. And like Fergie said, you pick yourself back up. She definitely was a role model for women because she got back up and rocked the rest of the show.”
Unless you’re gay, taking your daughter or are going to get some BIG LOVE after, there is no reason for a guy to go to a BEP concert. Same can be said for John Mayer and don’t use the “he’s our generations Clapton” as an excuse.
Wise words, MandDShagger. Wise words.
And if anyone came up to me and said Mayer is our generation’s Clapton, I would just put them down for society’s sake.
I was pretty much convinced that Clapton was out generation’s Clapton…dude isn’t DEAD ya know.
Ray McKigney
Anyone comparing Clapton to that tool should be shot on the spot – not a court in the country would convict him.
can’t say
Chad Boeger is a girl isn’t he? Also Mayer hasn’t sung about a dead kid yet so he can’t be WILL TRY TO MAKE A BUCK ON ANYTHING Clapton. He just talks about his lays.
on no
Get ready for the onslaught Can’t say.
Yeah, Clapton is so not about anyone but himself man.
Ray, set the sites on that turd Jon Bon Jovi. He’s the one that started that Mayer is Clapton crap. If Mayer is any generations anything it has to be Dave Pihrner from Soul Asylum. The Original Tool.