Shauna: New York Fashion Week – In with the Fur, Out with the Cheapies!

With New York Fashion Week finally in the books, one thing’s for sure…

This fall, FUR is back!!!
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2 Responses to Shauna: New York Fashion Week – In with the Fur, Out with the Cheapies!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Tracy Thomas
    I love real fur! Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I can’t wait to see some the clueless members of the fairer sex daring to wear fur. Nothing screams “hey look at me I’m a total moron” like wearing an animals pelt can.

    Newsflash: Fur being an acceptable addition to your wardrobe is fucking over. Killing an animal for the sole purpose of making its skin/fur the cuff trim for your coat makes you a complete douche bag. And when the PETA crazies cover you in red paint (or blood), I, like many, will be pointing and laughing at you.

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