Gary Lezak, of KSHB TV 41, is notifying his viewers and bloggers of a pending winter storm watch that sounds ominous. You can get updates from Gary
Gary Lezak, of KSHB TV 41, is notifying his viewers and bloggers of a pending winter storm watch that sounds ominous. You can get updates from Gary
Gulliver Foyle, Jr.
You would think a few inches of snow with freezing temperatures and nasty winds never happens in the winter. I know residents of the KC metro area aren’t used to this, but by the standards established the last few weeks, absolutely nothing would ever happen (school, business, airline flights, etc.) in North Dakota or Minnesota every winter.
I think it is a hoot when a Prairie Village HenHouse is out of frozen noodles.
lil’ Pecker
I love Gary…he’s so huge.
Gulliver – Perhaps that’s because this weather is commonplace in ND and Minnesota. This much snow, combined with subzero temperatures, is rare in this area. If Minnesota were hit by an earthquake, should Californians mock them for being panicked? If people ever die in a tornado in Arizona, I’ll be sure to take a cue from you and ridicule their lack of preparedness.
The sky is falling. I predict the sun will rise. Thanks Gary for stating the obvious.
brian busby
hey gary..why don’t you take your doppler radar
and shove it up your a$$.
PV Pathfinder
Sweet. Yet another Storm of the Century. The Empty Nesters, Child Free and single folks should be ready to do all the heavy lifting for the rest of the week.