Polar Bears of the World Unite: Well’s Top Deck to Remain Open 365 Days

To the hallowed tradition of Polar Bear Plunges into icy, outdoor waters add The Well’s top deck…

Since it’s opening late last summer, the restaurant and bar’s outdoor patio overlooking what passes for downtown Waldo has been a hit. That is until the weather started getting on again, off again nasty. After all, Tiki Torches, outdoor fire pits, space heaters and the like can only go so far.

However to keep the scenic party hang in play this winter, The Well has added outdoor tenting to its deck.

“It’s a temporary tent we are trying just to see if people want the rooftop experience inside a see-through tent,” says Well main man Chris Lewellen. “And so far people have liked it. We’re kind of just trying it out and so far, so good.”

Lewellen’s rationale: “The thing about it is, when you’re up on a rooftop in the city looking down you just can’t duplicate that experience,” Lewellen says. “You can’t do that in a shopping center parking lot – it’s a unique experience.”

So stoked is Lewellen about his upper deck that’s he’s decided to keep it open 365 days a year – rain or shine, regardless of outside temperatures, with or without the tenting.

“We will always allow people to sit on our patio no matter what the temperature is,” Lewellen says. “We may close the bar, but we will always provide table service on the roof and wait on people hand and foot. Why do that? because we want people to always know the rooftop is open. We don’t want people to wonder if it’s open.”

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