38 the Spot’s Heartbreaker Holly Dumps Country Crooner

Can another one of those somebody done somebody wrong songs be in the offing?

More to the point,

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29 Responses to 38 the Spot’s Heartbreaker Holly Dumps Country Crooner

  1. Anonymous says:

    craig glazer
    Holly if Black Barbie will let me, I will be glad to hang out with you….give you some pointers on dateing…sex….media attention…dealing with Johnny Dare…sex…dealing with Dare…you know the whole 9 yards….let me know at the station..or just check in here…..you know…by the way saw your ads on tv in Vegas..nice

  2. Anonymous says:

    Put the slobber collar on Craig

  3. Anonymous says:

    The internet just got creepier.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Good lord. What a sleazebag.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Dino Martini
    God damn Glazer,give me a break. Always about you.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Guys, when you’re a powerful, influence wielding member of the entertainment industry you damn right it’s about YOU. Can only hope Craig and Holly can offer up an unauthorized sex tape. Probably a career killer for her but it would move Craig into the stratosphere of swordsman.

  7. Anonymous says:

    craig glazer
    smartman, good idea, but I never meant I was asking her to do that….in all fairness to her, she seems like a decent girl…met her, don’t know her…so calm down Dino….just joking…

  8. Anonymous says:

    Miller Time
    What happened to Tyler Thigpen. He was pounding her for a while.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Mark Teahen
    holly is a real nice girl. She has a lot of
    talent. I was doing her for a while but
    found i couldn’t compete with counhtry

  10. Anonymous says:

    rick as white owl
    I’m available and a few years younger then Glazer

  11. Anonymous says:

    black barbie aka…the queen of sting? lol

  12. Anonymous says:

    I know Holly personally…she is not being “pounded” or “done” by anyone!

  13. Anonymous says:

    I also know Mark Teahen…and you are not him! Nice try tho!

  14. Anonymous says:

    She does seem to be a nice girl. Girl next door with mid western values. I got that impression from her interaction with Greg Hall. Seriously and no offense intended, but I don’t think she would be Craig’s type. I think he likes his girl’s more worldly and not as wholesome, which for him might mean boring.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Somebody is splittin those whiskers.

  16. Anonymous says:

    craig glazer
    Guys I agree, Holly is a nice girl, from what I hear she is looking to settle down with a down to earth guy, a lawyer or doctor type, doesn’t want to be with someone wild or in the sports/entertainment world…she is right, I know first hand, hard to settle down…hey I had a nice wife two years ago, a bit younger even than Holly, but same type of gal, we were marreid five years and I have to admitt she was a keeper….they are hard to find….so again I am sorry Holly for saying all those naughty things…I have a strong feeling you are a nice person looking for another regular person…best of luck…

  17. Anonymous says:


  18. Anonymous says:

    Way to own up there Glazer. Sometimes even you can surprise us. I gotta say, I know Holly pretty well and she is a total class act. When she is out on the town, she is friendly, completely sober and drop dead gorgeous. A comment from a real moron was previously on here stating she is not a celebrity. WTF? She is in demand all over this city and has Vegas wanting her full time. Face it negative peanut gallery, though it is hard to believe, there are beatiful , intelligent girls out there who are not sacrificicng their morals for fame. Ms. Starr seems to be complacent and satisfied with her celebrity in our city and we should all be proud. Jealous contributors, and woman bashers who follow her, then talk sh#t, get a life. You will never have one as good as hers but hey find something else to do with your free time because no one cares what you have to say. Holly, you make us proud. You are the real deal.

  19. Anonymous says:

    really? ask.com? someone saw them together so that makes them a couple? herne you really need to be a bit more indepth on yoour research dude. i saw her with a royals pitcher and several other guys this summer. means nothing. shes a nice gal who has lots of friends. she knows a hell-of-a-lot about sports so she is F.I.N.E. in my books.

  20. Anonymous says:

    So based on all this nice girl talk I have to assume that she doesn’t do anal, not a ball licker or freak in general. As Bill Maher said after Hugh Grant got busted with Divine Brown while he was dating Liz Hurley, “Show me a great lookin’ girl and I’ll show you a guy who’s tired of bangin’ her”. Once a month, lights out, missionary, doesn’t do it. To quote The Boss, “it takes a red headed woman to get a dirty job done.”

  21. Anonymous says:

    Hey, Harley – relax. The Ask.com line was just a way to intro the topic. I confirmed Holly was dating him, dumped him and a lot more.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Hearne is correct, he knows his facts. Holly and Keith were dating, for quite awhile actually. They are broken up and are really good friends though, as they were before they even dated.

  23. Anonymous says:

    smartman let’s not go there.

  24. Anonymous says:

    CT House
    Craig Glazer…you are a loser. Aways have been, always will be.

  25. Anonymous says:

    craig glazer
    CT(according to chiefs GM and Head Coach)”Losers gather in small groups and complain about people who seem to matter more than they do…winners try and build up as a team” see thats not me CT is it you?

  26. Anonymous says:

    You get points for that come back Craig. Not only was it good but it was newsworthy and relevant.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Nothing better than grown men arguing. Each trying to one up the other with their carefully selected diatribe. The only thing they can agree is that MISS STARR is a hott commodity and truthfully she should even be in a larger market than Kansas City. For any doubters out there, check out her Vegas stuff should you go there or check out her modeling pics.onemodelplace.com Holly Starr. To quote the Monkey’s- I’m a Believer.

  28. Anonymous says:

    concur. she’s smokin

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