Think of it as an edible conundrum….
On the surface, that Lawrence’s “best” barbecue joint – Vermont Street BBQ – just blew taps and its “worst-is” has moved into fancy, new digs seems a little odd. Until you put it to the test – taste test, that is. I put Vermont Street to that test a couple years back after it migrated to Mass Street into the former digs of the revered Paradise Cafe. Very mediocre was my take.
And while I’m generally suspicious of
u r one strange cat
The real question is: Would you tip him for the Afro sausage?
Have you tried Biemers at 9th and Iowa. It is my favorite BBQ joint.
Thanks for the tip. Not looking for more average to average plus bbq in Lawrence, but since you mention it, I’ll try it.
Strange? Hey, thanks dude. But listen, I’m not the cat who wrote that stuff on the restaurant’s MySpace page. Just observing and reporting.
Concur on Biemers – try the vinegar-based sauces. It is the best BBQ place in Lawrence currently.
Good point. Will give a pass on that one. Recall strange dude comment. File it under bnoth good.
Too much Lawrence and KU crap on this site. It’s getting old.
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Tim Mertens
Nette gemacht dieser Blog. Sowas sieht man wirklich sehr selten. Glueckwunsch.