Famous Johnnys Takes Dirt Nap: OP Comedy Club Closes at Hooters Plaza

To laugh or not to laugh, that was the question

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2 Responses to Famous Johnnys Takes Dirt Nap: OP Comedy Club Closes at Hooters Plaza

  1. Anonymous says:

    Aaron Gnirk
    As with any business, you can make all the right moves and still close down. Look at GM, et al.
    It’s never easy especially nowadays for a family owned and operated businesses to sustain itself.

    On a more positive note, we now know where to go for late night Columbian, South and Central American dried and frozen food. Any nuts?

    Good luck and good night.

  2. Roman says:

    For someone that cares about whether a photo was real or Photoshopped, maybe you can try Photoshopped Image Killer. This free website maybe can give your answer. By analyzing something like Exif data or so. But it it really bad that the seller is touching op those images? Maybe he just sharpened the image and removed some things from the background.

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