Who knew controversy-embroiled The Call writer Eric Wesson was a fashion plate of the first order?
Lots of people dress up to try and catch up to dapper KCPT host Nick Haines when guesting on Kansas City Week in Review. But Wesson’s foray into fashion for gentlemen’s rag Esquire went way that.
Way beyond.
Here’s the deal…
Wesson is entered in Esquire’s Best Dressed Real Man contest and is vying to win “a very stylish prize package that is worth over $30,000,” according to the magazine. Readers were invited to vote for the stud of their choice beginning May 1st and ending May 31st. Five finalists will be announced August 11, with the winner being crowned in September.
Will Wesson walk away with $15,000 in cold cash, a year’s supply of Nivea for Men products, a $5,000 IWC watch, a $10,000 Kenneth Cole wardrobe and a VIP trip to New York City to attend a runway show during fashion week? Will his smooth, sexy form grace the pages of the September issue of Esquire?
Guess we’ll find out, but this much is known: he did not make the cut as Esquire’s “undisputed fan favorite.” That distinction went to a 22 year-old NYC education student named Dan T.
But back to Wesson, who enraged local Jewish leaders this past week when it was learned he had referred to Power & Light District owner, Cordish in an email as
Dexter Morgan
Eric who?