It happens every Monday night like clockwork…
Anti smoking ban dude Bill Nigro starts getting anxious about the call he will get the next morning around 9:02 a.m.
“I’m anxiously awaiting 9 a.m. tomorrow to see if there’s a decision from the Missouri Court of Appeals on the smoking ban,” Nigro said Monday.
The reason for Nigro’s telephone Tuesday Jones?
“Well, last Tuesday they put out a decision from a case that went down the week before ours did,” Nigro says. And every Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. the court of appeals posts their decisions online.”
Nigro was feeling lucky Monday night…
“You know what? I do,” he says. “I think it’s coming; I think it’s going to be this week or next.”
And so what happened?
“Nothing happened,” Nigro says. “I got my message at 9:05 a.m., so now we have to wait until next Tuesday. It can take up to a couple months though because all the judges have to write a brief explaining how they came to their decision. And this is a big social issue, so they’re going to be very careful.”
Translation: it could take another month, still Nigro remains optimistic.
“I’m happy because I think it’s going to help some businesses out,” Nigro says, of the possibility that the ban will be lifted. “But I really don’t like smoking and I think that if it happens less than 50 percent of the places will go back to smoking. So it’s a win-win for everybody.”
And they all lived happily ever after.
I’m with Nigro that the smoking ban is dumb, but it is here to stay. In fact, it will probably become tighter.
Why don’t you ever quote people that spend a good deal of time working in clubs and bars that like the smoking ban? Why is there nothing from the club owners who say that business is the same or possibly even better with the smoking ban?
Stop Blowing Smoke!
I want the concertmeister back!