- Adam Murphy
- Alex Smith
- Bill Self
- Bob Lefsetz
- Brandon Leftridge
- Brian McTavish
- Caitlin Donnelly
- Craig Glazer
- David Scott Whinery, Esquire
- Dwight Sutherland
- Greg Hall
- Hearne
- Hearne Christopher
- Hearne Christopher Jr.
- Jack Poessiger
- Jennifer Janesko
- Joe Miller
- Kansas City Chiefs
- Kansas City Royals
- Kansas City Star
- KC chiefs
- KC Royals
- Kelly Urich
- Larry Hovick
- Lawrence Journal World
- Lefsetz
- M. Donnelly
- Maria Juarez
- Mark Edelman
- Mark Valentine
- Matt Donnelly
- Matthew Donnelly
- Parolees
- Paul Wilson
- President obama
- Rich Steele
- Sam Brownback
- Shauna Swanson
- Sporting Kansas city
- Starbeams
- The Point 99.7 FM
- Tom Brady
- Tony Botello
- Tracy Thomas
- TV Time
No one to throw to now Matt Cassel. Will she still love you when you’re laid up in bed, eating through a tube and whizzing into a bag from the BEATINGS you’re going to take. A dog in Iraq has a better chance of survival.
Whitlock is a joke. Should have been whacked after the Drew Bledsoe is Gay incident in NE when the Chiefs were getting smacked down like Big City Sliders
If he were white he probably would have been. He’s a useless turd minority quota hire whose only impact seems to be on JoPo whose writing has gotten much worse over the years.
I would pay big bucks to see he and Mark Mengino…men as opposed to man to reference his girth…sumo wrestle for charity.
This is some very funny stuff. Glad you are back GH.