Not much good news for Donald Trump fans these days…
He’s under attack from most media, his own party, military leaders, world leaders, you-name-it, folks. Polls show Hillary Clinton ahead by 6 to 12 points nationally. In fact, the mainstream media has just about written Trump off as to him having any hope of being our next president.
Even with Clinton’s endless scandals and poor handling of everything from the Clinton Foundation to Benghazi, she appears comparatively bulletproof. And Trump’s attacks are now falling on deaf ears for the most part.
Even Trump seems shaken and acts as if he can feel the end is coming.
Sure, he’s still the main man on the tube. Clinton’s boring and gets far less attention.
However Hillary’s in the catbird seat. She’s better off not being in the news much. She has it won and why do anything to give Trump a new position?
Yesterday, Trump unveiled his Isis destruction plan. But all that no longer feels like it matters much, does it? The excitement over the debates coming up in September also seems to have quieted down. They don’t seem to matter much. Even if Trump runs her down a bit, it still feels like it won’t matter.
Not when the media and leaders in your own party paint you as a bit out there and as a man who won’t do his homework or listen to almost anyone.
That’s not good.
Lately we don’t see the Trump children on interviews much at all. Those were a big help to Trump. I feel that maybe they see the race might now be over as well. There may have been a few family feuds over Trump’s twitter attacks on people and how stupid those were. They couldn’t have gained him many if any votes.
A check of polls in each state show Trump only leading in 7 to 10 races. Close in several but nowhere near where his campaign needs to be to win. The RNC is not putting huge money behind his campaign or ads. He didn’t need them in the primary but he needs them now.
There’s even been talk of Trump stepping down and letting Mike Pence be the sacrificial lamb in November. Sad that what was once a media frenzy over Trump has now become a much less viewed train wreck.
As for me, I was excited to see some of Trump’s plans, his strength as a business leader in the White House and a change. Now I see it all gone. Could he have ever won? Maybe not.
Kinda like the Royals.
Republicans beating out the Dem’s these days for the White House is gonna be a big uphill climb. It sure looks like it won’t happen in November. Guess, we’ll see.
Sad that what was once a media frenzy over Trump has now become a much less viewed train wreck.
Nothing sad about it; the last time we elected a president with early senile dementia we ended up with themost corrupt White House administration in modern history. No good reason to repeat that debacle.
nick…please explain……you haven’t told us enough info
Here is some information. Reagan scandals? Yeah, right…
1. Monica Lewinsky: Led to only the second president in American history to be impeached.
2. Benghazi: Four Americans killed, an entire system of weak diplomatic security uncloaked, and the credibility of a president and his secretary of state damaged.
3. Asia fundraising scandal: More than four dozen convicted in a scandal that made the Lincoln bedroom, White House donor coffees and Buddhist monks infamous.
4. Hillary’s private emails: Hundreds of national secrets already leaked through private email and the specter of a criminal probe looming large.
5. Whitewater: A large S&L failed and several people went to prison.
6. Travelgate: The firing of the career travel office was the very first crony capitalism scandal of the Clinton era.
7. Humagate: An aide’s sweetheart job arrangement.
8. Pardongate: The first time donations were ever connected as possible motives for presidential pardons.
9. Foundation favors: Revealing evidence that the Clinton Foundation was a pay-to-play back door to the State Department, and an open checkbook for foreigners to curry favor. Uranium sales to Russia etc. etc.
10. Mysterious files: The disappearance and re-discovery of Hillary’s Rose Law Firm records.
11. Filegate: The Clinton use of FBI files to dig for dirt on their enemies.
12. Hubble trouble: The resignation and imprisonment of Hillary law partner Web Hubbell.
13. The Waco tragedy: One of the most lethal exercises of police power in American history.
14. The Clinton’s Swedish slush fund: $26 million collected overseas with little accountability and lots of questions about whether contributors got a pass on Iran sanctions.
15. Troopergate: From the good old days, did Arkansas state troopers facilitate Bill Clinton’s philandering?
16. Gennifer Flowers: The tale that catapulted a supermarket tabloid into the big time.
17. Bill’s Golden Tongue: His and her speech fees shocked the American public.
18. Boeing Bucks: Boeing contributed big-time to Bill; Hillary helped the company obtain a profitable Russian contract.
19. Larry Lawrence: How did a fat cat donor get buried in Arlington National Cemetery without war experience?
20. The cattle futures: Hillary as commodity trader extraordinaire.
21. Chinagate: Nuclear secrets go to China on her husband’s watch.
22. The rape of Juanita Broderick, Orgy Island… By the way, while Monica Lewinski is one of the factors in the impeachment, dwelling on this fact plays along with the Lying Liberal Media myth that this impeachment was just about Bill’s sexual exploits. In fact, the impeachment was about lying under oath in a SEXUAL HARASSMENT case where Paula Jones was the victim. There is a heck of a difference between sex (with a very young intern, whose well being had been entrusted to the most powerful man in the world ), and sexual harassment, especially for a Democrat who claims to be looking out for women. Everyone forgets that Bill Clinton wasn’t impeached for getting happy endings in the Oval Office. He was impeached for lying to a Grand Jury and witness tampering. (Lying to a Grand Jury – ask Scooter Libby about that one. He got 2 years for misremembering a specific date 2 years prior during testimony. Clinton walked)
23. Also… Sand Berger stole DOCUMENTS for the Clintons from the National Archive…. hid them down this pants and in his socks…ALL for the Clintons.
Dude – you’re just so out there; how you can compare the peccadillos of the Clinton’s, for which they were never charged in any court, much less sentenced to even probation, with Reagan’s administration, one so corrupt nearly all of whom were charged in court and sentenced to stiff terms, is almost beyond me.
But then I think back to Nixon and how foam-at-the-mouth deranged the Republicans have since acted toward Democratic president and it all comes clear.
Keep stoking that hate for the next 4 or 8 years, man.
A small mistake or fault that is not regarded as very bad or serious.
Dude. Yeah, I am really out there “stoking” the hate. You go to “Wikipedia” definition of “The most corrupt White House Administration” is flatly refuted.
I like the part, where it suddenly occurs to you, that the Nixon Administration, with a President that actually had to resign, might ring a louder bell than R.R. Without having to look ANYTHING up, most of us would also remember Grant and Harding. No, that is NOT the Law Firm the Clinton’s are using to help them escape even MORE FBI Scrutiny in still ANOTHER FBI probe of the current Democrat candidate, who is still in a hell of a “peccadillo” pickle.
Actually there were several fines. There were fines for the Hillary Clinton Healthcare privacy with public funds, fines for the White House Travel Office, and 860,000 fine in the Paula Jones Case, and the Clintons had to pay a fine and return furniture after leaving the White House. Also, there was the little matter of Bill’s law license in Arkansas, so there were legal findings against them.. I am just hoping for more in the next four years, so I have some scandal to look forward to.
you stupid idiot… forgot one conspiracy theory:
24. The u.s. never landed men on the moon. It was
a movie studio set in hollywood run by clint eastwood
and sly and frank stallone.
chuckles…you are one freaked out dude!
Just as Harley predicted over a year ago. Hillary represents the smartest political family ever in America. And Donald Trump represents all that is bad!
Glaza predicted he would win. Just like he predicted events around the royals
and chiefs which never came to pass. So from here on out we’re going to take
Glaza’s word for what it’s worth in these areas…..nothing!
Trump won the primaries with about 40% of the republican vote…most of which
was rung up after the race got down to 2 or 3 contenders.
Trump did not understand the dynamics of a general election and the need for
data mining/voter registration/gotv operations and the cash to run commercials.
According to FEC records Trump took in 60 million dollars last month but has
not run more than about 1 million dollars in tv. To compete, even to the
least as Romney did, you need 800 million dollars or more.
As I have said before, Glaza took Dumpster’s bait. He fell for the Dumpsters
bull sh*t. Thankfully few others with intelligence fell for the farce that was
Donald Trumpster.
His daughter is now vacationing with Russian government officials daughters
as per pics on the net. Dumpster is indebted to the Russians who bailed him
out financially when no American banks would. The arabs (Saudis) bailed him
out financially but he screwed them so all he has left are the Russians who
he agrees with despite the fact that trumps positions would be disastrous for
America. Almost every major military official (in force or retired) has come out
and said Dumpster’s positions would dramatically hurt the positions of the
United STates.
Is this what you want glaza? To undermine the military, to insult gold star
families, to dissolve NATO? If so, you would not pass dumpsters EXTREME
VETTING that he outlined on Monday.
The connection between dumpster and the Russians will grow as news gets
investigating dumpsters association with an enemy of America.
As far as the debates…if I was Hillary I would let dumpster complain and complain
and then once he gets the commission to change the rules don’t debate the dumpster. By that time she should have way over 350 electoral votes and be on her way
to the landslide Harley predicted over a year ago.
This goes to prove again that no one can match Harley in stats/predictions/analysis
nor being able to decipher events and forecasting the results.
I have been on target with sports/politics/personal information and will continue
to be the only one who is spot on correct on these type of items.
Yes, glaza it’s over. We knew this weeks ago.
Again, your predictions have been proven so far off that it’s becoming
commonplace for you to be on the wrong side of the line.
Dumpster had no plans. This was all a con game or “sting” as you would call it.
It was all one big joke on his supporters and the rethug party which will be
lucky to last past November.
What is especially important is that Hillary will appoint 2-4 supreme court
justices over her 2 terms which will change the rulings of the court to liberal
for at least the next 25 years. That is important and the best part of this entire
charade pulled on the rethug party and their followers!
You are wrong, you sorry excuse for human flesh. Bill and Hillary represent everything that’s wrong with politics and character. And Trump? He represents all that’s wrong with American business.
But I understand your devotion to her, you’re equally bankrupt morally.
sorry dude…you haven’t followed the path like I have.
In new York…Hillary left the senate with a 70% approval rating
as senator.
As secretary of state she left her post with over a 65% approval
Her work with CHIP, trying to advance health insurance,
her work with women and kids has been tarnished by
the rethugs attackes over the last 30 years.
However…when she gets into a position where she actually
can accomplish things and help those less fortunate her
approval ratings skyrocket.
We shall see in 2020….when she’s had 4 years to change this nation.
Remember…congressman king of iowa…the most staunch
republican right winger said that even he could work with
Hillary may be a sign of great things to come.
Lets hope so. OUr nation needs to come together as we
see the demographic changes that are taking place right
in front of our eyes.
God bless you…god bless America….
Your lips are moving!
you’re typing on a keyboard.
And you say nothing to prove me wrong.
You are an empty headed spoon with no brains.
Why would I want to type a long rant proving you have sh#t for brains and no one would read it like no one reads your rants? I don’t read your comments because I know they are complete bullsh#t.
Nothing personal glaza. You are just plain wrong. Maybe you should consult with
Harley before making your predictions.
The Royals comment was admin. not mine…thanks.
Yeah, and Trump’s not jerkin’ off in that picture.
Things that made you go Hmmmm/other sure things (according experts and polling)
* Colts will destroy the Jets in Superbowl III
* No chance 1980 US Olympic Hockey Team
* Chiefs are going to the Superbowl (part 46)
* Royals are up and coming (and will repeat)
* Boggs will win re-election (instead, 29-year-old Joe Biden upset the incumbent Sen. Caleb Boggs in 1972 using a family-run campaign with little funding; Biden trailed big into late summer of 1972
* Cantor looks unbeatable (despite some polls showing him at almost 60 % support, House of Representatives Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost – by over 10% – despite also outspending his opponent 10-1
* DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN (so much for polling; details to follow on our late, Late LATE report)
* Trump has no chance vs Clinton (file under ‘N’ for ‘yeah, we got this… not’)
‘Making America Great Again’
* TRUMP 2016 *
sorry kerowacky…that was before there was a science to the polling. Now it’s
configured/weighted/adjusted/based on voter registration/propensity to vote/
likely voters/data mining based on scientific data. You’re living in the
60’s and 70’s….hey even 70 years ago when polling was not anywhere near
as perfected as it is now.
4 years ago I predicted the exact electoral vote range for the 2012 election and
I honestly say I have nowhere near the expertise nor data that todays pollsters
Nice try kereowacky but based on demographics you will never see another
republican president in your lifetime ( based on the presumption that you
are old and in your late 60’s/early 70’s).
Just the facts maam. And that’s the truth.
oh…kerowacky…you forgot one other important prediction. Probably one of the
biggest mistakes ever made in the superbowl. Many experts say this was the
biggest mistake to be made ever! I’m sure you remember it. I was there at
Tulane stadium when it happened.
Chiefs minus 18 versus Minnesota in Super Bowl 4.
Many experts (not glaza) considered the jets win in #3 to be a fluke. The win
the chiefs put on the Vikings (among experts) was considered a phenomenal win.
That’s because the chiefs and stram used a moving offense before the snap and
that people had underestimated the chief’s defense and overestimated the
Vikings offense and defense.
Finally after all these years a true statement. Good job harley.
Essentially this race is over.
Early voting. As it now stands almost 40% of the votes cast in this presidential
election will be cast early. That means as early as this week…and as late as
October 31.
Any chance the dumpster had will be greatly diminished as voters choose to
vote early before the polling changes.
This also means that significant numbers of voters will cast their ballots
before the debates are completed which is a huge factor.
Kerowacky….you are living in the 40 year time warp. Times have changed.
Dumpster will lose and I invite you to follow my comments on here/Huff Post
and Redstate and soon on another major blog as I outline the exact electoral
college vote count just as I did in 2012.
Right now I see over 350 electoral votes for Hillary but that could change
as dumpster goes off script in his rallies and provides more fodder as to
his complete and utter failure.
Once his taxes are exposed (and if you think that his taxes have not been
looked at by the Obama people…I have a bridge in Arizona to sell you)
it will be GAME OVER as well as his connections with the Russian
government and Putin thru manafort.
And that’s the facts sir….just the facts.
And then right back to the same B.S.
Stats prove me right sir. Early voting will make the debate
meaningless since a large per cent of voters will have already
cast their votes.
Dumpster has no organization to do this…hillaries is geared
to get the early vote which could be as high as 60 per cent to
70 per cent for dems. That is not my prediction it comes
from the main republican campaign staffs throughout the
nation…none of which are trump gotv employees. These
traditionally have been early voters that are usually older
voters who are going heavily for Clinton in this election and
tend to be concentrated in large cities…especially minority
voters which are now going 90 per cent for Hilary…1 per cent
for dumpster…just the facts rww…and facts trump the bull
sh*t you spew.
That time I saw your lips moving ASSHOLE!!!
Would it shock anyone if Trump just up and quit? Seriously, why would anyone in his position want to be POTUS? It’s not fame, future earnings or power. Trump already controls his entire universe. He says he already has a lot of money. He comes and goes as he pleases and doesn’t have to answer to ANYONE. At 70 years old, who in their right mind would want to put ALL of that on hold for the next 4 years? From the outside looking in, that seems insane.
I think it was all about the race for him and being able to win it. That was the pinnacle. Trump has been all about Trump his entire life. Nothing wrong with that. But, to give all that away for the next 4 years to be crucified by media and the public day in and day out? Why? Who would?
I was thinking the same thing Jim. Its a nice way to end it all, makes your book and history even bigger, makes your family proud…but he is close to all that now with less hassle…he proved his point with the nomination…a miracle already…so yeah why do the 4 to 8 year lock down? I think he might be throwing it.
What exactly would there be to be proud of?
Folks we should all be as big a failure as Trump…this pc/nice guy b.s. is just that….he has been a great success in business, entertainment and now politics….yes he says some odd things…he’s not perfect, who is? Think Hillary and Donald are the only ‘bad’ guys that ran….we just didn’t have social media and 1600 channels when Kennedy was in office….he’d have been outed as a ‘bad’ guy as well instead of a hero…way it is…not fair no…
There just aren’t enough easily influenced Glazers in the world to elect a person like Trump. Way it is… not fair no…
yes he was successful?
Just like glaza who started with his dad’s company.
Trump started with a small “check” of a
million dollars and probably inheritance in
the 300-4oo million dollar range.
Even chuck as a ditch digger could do something with that.
They say that if trump merely put it in an
equity he would have done better than all his
business ventures.
Due to the largess of American banks (who now
no longer do business with the dumpster (he
only works with deutcshe bank which is nothing but a money laundering bank for crime) and
the arabs (who will do no business with trump anymore cause he screwed them) and now he’s left with the Russians who he owes millions to and who he now is their surrogate in the u.s. promoting the exact same policies that putin and manafort want to see put in place (ex: is the breakup of nato).
Trump was born on third base and thinks he hit a home run. sound like someone we know?
Except for that pesky casino that went bankrupt multiple times. There is that he failed miserably at.
trump is a scumbag….a loser…a p.o.s.
took advantage of the little people….is a low life liar….
screwed over everyone he dealt with…
lied..cheated…and with trump university lied and cheated
veterans/poor people/innocent people and screwed them
out of millions of dollars.
does that sound like someone we know?????????????????????????
Excellent post jim…I’ve been saying that for over a year now.
Trump has the best life…he’s got 10-20 years of a great life left…
why w9uld he give it up for the mental and physical anguish
of being president.
“…10-20 years of a great life left…”
No way; Trump is so choleric he’ll stroke out w/i 5 years…
wishful thinking. A horrible excuse for a family man.
What if he wins, then resigns in the first 90 days so Pence could be POTUS? Trump gets to pump his chest he won, and the Republicans get their man in the White House
Lipsticked pigs will fly before Trump wins.
Trumps last stand? Yes…just like custers last stand!!!!!!!
Hillary is up by 9 points in florida.
No need to wait til November! Hold the election over labor day and lets get this
nation back on the tracks again!@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s not even close now. It’s a train wreck for trump.
No debates…no early voting…its oveerrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Harley predicted this over a year ago.
For business/personal/advice contact
thanks for the memories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not bob hope!
Trump is to politics what Vince Young was to the NFL. Uncoachable and overrated with commensurate Wonderlick test results. Or maybe that French Golfer who just refused to take a fu*kin drop and tried to “Tin Cup” his azz out of 2 feet of water.
Metaphysically (That’s for you John McLaughlin. R.I.P.) bereft of any extemporaneous intelligence and unable to build a wall around his mouth, he threw away certain victory against a world class scofflaw, who, might be the most corrupt politician in recent history. Soon to be ensconced once again in the White House, her louche of a husband, must be licking his chops at all the new “Talent” available, especially because, this time, he can’t be impeached.
Chuck makes a very good point…we didn’t know that Trump was going to act the way he has the last couple weeks and months…Like Chuck, I saw much good in him early on…lately he has shown to be a different person than we first watched…he didn’t do the homework, he attacks others for little reason, he does not stay on point and needs others to fill in the blanks on his ‘plans’ which not seem suspect. He talks in generalities and doesn’t fill in the blanks…do I think he is a racist? No…no more than Hillary…a crook? No, less so than the Clintons have been if we call them crooks, they have taken a huge advantage of their power position…maybe no more than others in the past who were not under a media and social media microscope.
Trump simply was not prepared to WIN…and now he won’t…yes he had many loyal followers…I liked him, now I see the problems may be just too deep…remember time lets us change our mind based on what goes on and happens…do I like or dislike Hillary…she will do a decent job, likely Trump would have as well had he been elected…he won’t be.
Last nights speech from Trump was the same old b.s.
No solutions…no ideas…just more b.s.
He’s behind over 10 points in Wisconsin so why is he even campaigning
He’s way way behind in maine and Connecticut yet he spent one day in each
state campaigning. who’s running his campaign? Bozo the clown?
And he inferred he was speaking in Milwaukee which was a complete lie
since he was over an hour away. He couldn’t ever go to Milwaukee.
And his plan is nothing but b.s…..because he has no plan. NO way to
help anyone but the already rich americans with another tax break.
Sure…he’s gonna bring jobs back to u.s…..wave a wand dumpster….your
clothes line is made in china/bangldesh. Start with your own jobs coming
His losing campaign is a digrace.
speaking of manafort…he’s no longer running trump’s campaign.
could the kremlin be coming after him?
See what they’ve done to the couple who outed the Russian Olympic team?
Be careful frank…..
you know too much!!!!!!!!
It’s been 4 days now since the shooting of a convicted felon by police in Milwaukee.
Yet the officers camera video has not been released.
Apparently the audio was not working (these are relatively new items and may
not have known how to use the camera.
The county head sherriff said the black man
“was holding a gun”….yet I believe Wisconsin is a conceal and carry state.
The question that the tape will provide is where was the felon holding the gun…
pointed at the officer…by his side which is perfectly legal.
I think the audio would possibly enhance what was said…which we will never
Will be interesting and hopefully Milwaukee, a great city, can get this behind them
and save it’s city.
God Bless all men and women in uniform!!!!!!!
Mister H and perfect, CONVICTED FELONS CAN NEVER EVER CARRY A GUN..ITS AN AUTOMATIC 5 YEARS…they can vote after parole and probation end…
YOU STUPID F*ck glaza… this:
Again you stupid f*ck you try to outdo Harley the great
Despite the intention of the Gun Control Act to prohibit felons from owning guns, there are some loopholes that allow felons to circumvent federal law:
1. A 1965 amendment to the federal Firearms Act of 1938 allows felons who want to own a gun the ability to apply for “relief from the disability of not being able to possess a gun.” If the felon can convince the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms that the circumstances surrounding the crime and subsequent felony conviction were such that the felon should not be considered a public safety risk, then the felon may be granted the right to legal gun ownership.
2. According to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, in order to be prohibited from owning a gun, a convicted felon must have been convicted of a crime that is “punishable by imprisonment for more than one year.” Although even the least serious felony convictions carry a sentence of up to three years, sentencing guidelines are open to the interpretation of judges. Thus while it would be rare for a felony conviction sentence to be less than one year, it is not impossible.
VOTE NOW: Should All Fully Automatic Rifles Be Banned?
3. According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, “Felons whose convictions have been set-aside or expunged, or for which the person has been pardoned or has had civil rights restored” are not considered “convicted” and thus they would not be prohibited from owning a gun.
4. Certain “white collar” crimes that result in a felony conviction don’t prohibit those felons from owning guns. For example, felony convictions related to antitrust laws, restraint of trade, or unfair trade practices do not carry the same prohibition on gun ownership even if the conviction results in imprisonment for more than a year.
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5. Some states will reinstate a felon’s right to own a gun after they have served their sentence or gone through a period of “cleansing.” For example, according to FindLaw, nonviolent felons in Minnesota state law provides that a felon can legally own a gun as soon as they have finished serving their sentence. In Louisiana, state law provides that after a “cleansing period” of 10 years in which a felon has not been convicted of an additional felony, their right to own a gun may be reinstated.
This article does not constitute legal advice. Check the current gun laws of your state and destination before travel.
URGENT: Do You Support President Obama’s Plans for Stricter Gun Control? Vote Now
plus a felon can own a gun made before like 1870 (not sure of the date but felons can own these old guns. I’ll check on the
exact date/year……its in the 1800’s…and you canget them at the gun shows….I provide further details.
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you don’t get it.
google “can felons own guns” dufuss!
breaking….this Milwaukee shooting could be more than anyone expected. From New York Daily news:
Milwaukee cop identified in Sylville Smith’s death is two-year veteran of force and amateur rapper who once sang he’ll ‘start a riot like it’s Baltimore’
You’re off base on your assumption. The two were friends going all the way back to high school. Harley doesn’t know all.
Glazer calling the race this early for Hillary all but ensures a Trump victory. Are we sure Glazer is not really Bill Kristol?
My preference is for none of the above, but I am not going to get my wish. Based on the referral to Justice of the Charge of Perjury and the time it takes to prosecute, we may have the first husband and wife impeachment. I think I will wait until the fat lady sings, or for Harley, it could be an LGBTQ person. I do not want to preclude any of Harley’s preferences. I think in terms of economics, but in terms of trust, Trump has a slight edge, the difference between brackish water and a knee deep swamp. In terms of economics, thank goodness for a do nothing Congress. There are 70,000 good paying tech jobs disappearing in the next 90 days around the San Francisco area, in part because US educated tech gurus can be had abroad for a lot less money, and a whole bunch less regulation. So, Hillary, raise the taxes on American small business, whose top federal tax bracket is not 35%, but it is 43%. They do their taxes on the 1040. The Hillary tax plan is something near akin to pushing a rope. You do get motion, but probably not in the direction you wanted. The biggest problem is the stimulus If we spent 700 billion on a stimulus to fix infrastructure, but we have to do it again, since we still have to pay for the last one, I’d say we wasted our money last time, and very little of the 700 billion actually reached its desired outcome. With that experience, why do it again? Each year, at 3%, that stimulus costs us 21 billion in interest. In 33 years we can have spent another 700 billion in interest and receive nothing. Oh, but there is a Keynsian multiplier. Why, yes there is, but there is that 3% interest deduction on the backside which overrides the multiplier, and it assumes that stimulus will be shared with employees. Nope. Isn’t that contrary to the arguments of the haves and have nots? Last year there were more small businesses, the ones that employ 90% of the employees that closed their doors, that were started, according to the Department of Commerce. Why not make it harder, take a larger share of the profit, and wonder why the business did not happen. Even the Soviets learned the difference between a Solkhozy and a Kolkozy. If I do not get paid for doing it, why do it? However the best joke of the day was punishing businesses that move overseas with a “leaving tax”. I am not sure that any Administration knows what a leaving business looks like, until after it’s happened, and after that, how do you tax a foreign entity without their Treasury wanting to tax your boys? In short, you can’t. While we’re talking about political economics, in October the Social Security Disability Fund is set to go bankrupt. I bet Congress will do nothing about it until it bites them in the ***.
Brilliant comment in my opinion.
brilliant comment but filled with too many inaccuracies.
but that’s what kcc is famous for.
Cowboy again is wrong…again!
And chuck is the same guy who uses the anti semitic/anti
everything Breitbart articles as his references.
Got to go…but as per usual…cowboy and chuck and glazejust
don’t have the mental capacity to write anything based on
facts/the truth/the real world analysis on any real topic.
See ya later old boys.
Every election talks about ‘our childrens future’ all of them say..’we are in a crisis for our nations future’ if you listen to old speeches and read what was going on we are always on the verge of collapse and ruins…the economy is always in trouble….same comments every election and there is always the bad guy out to destroy us…Nazi’s, Communists, now Isis…and they are…but somehow we move on, go forward and survive…it seems what cures issues are time and natural changes with that time…not any one persons thoughts or decisions in the white house…it can help sure…
I dont see anyway now that Trump can win barring some huge current scandal or major blow up….so we are going to move forward with the Clintons…Bill did a good job overall and I suppose Hillary will do just fine….yes I wanted to see the change…but Trump just couldn’t get there…simple as that.
brilliant comment glaze!
just kidding! You’re likea minah bird I once had. Always repeating
what I said after I said it!
Glaze, I just heard that Trump has well over 100 million ready to use, starting in mid September and the money is pouring in from small donors. Hmmm…
I remember back in 1974, during my salad days, I loved boxing and never missed a fight. Where I worked, we promoted first Tony Chiaverini (I should have quit watching boxing after the Bennie Briscoe fight. Jesus…), then at another job, Randy Carver (Yeah, that’s when I stopped watching boxing forever.) . My friends and I, fancied ourselves ‘experts’ in the same way guys who watch the NFL, think they can pick every game.
At any rate, I remember after Foreman had literally destroyed Norton and Frazier like they were little 10 year old kids, watching Howard Cosell beg Ali to quit during a sports broadcast, before getting in the ring with George Gotterdmmerung Foreman. He was sincerely plaintive and personally terrified of what he was sure, was to be an execution.
Can Trump “Rope A Dope”?
Hillary will outspend trump 700% at least.
Maybe you should buy one of those trump bobbleheads
chucklets…..would look nice in your rear window.
Clinton is now campaigning in Utah/Montana/south Carolina/
and forcing trump to spend money in Georgia an Arizona.
Chuck sure he could!!!! It’s unlikely but so are all the other upsets you mentioned so I’m with you that one…and I remember the Cosell speech on ABC, and was worried for Ali too…that was the biggest sports upset ever I think…Ali beating Foreman…so yes Trump could upset her of course…never say never! 007…
Don’t forget Rudy. Nobody thought Rudy was gonna get on the field but he showed ’em. Never say never. Jason Bourne… You’re pretty funny CG, gotta give you that.
I think I remember Buster Douglas was the Goalie in that Miracle On Ice deal, wasn’t he?
That guy could stick.
again the chucklets gets faceplanted.
Dumpster isn’t going to spend any money.
He’s going to take donations and use it for himself after election by paying himself back and pay his kids a huge salary.
Here’s the YUUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEEEmedia buy hemade
this week that was supposed to be REALLY BIGGGGGGGG!
First ad buy from Trump is modest. $270k in FL, $72k in OH, $78k in PA. Pro-Clinton side already spent $23m in FL, $17m in OH, $6m in PA.
no wonder he’s losing…and Hillary will spend milliions more!
“It’s going to be like ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ — you got to make him look alive, even if he’s not,” Graham told the Times.